Art summer in the gallery of modern art of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan
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с 4 Июля
по 29 АвгустаГалерея современного искусства ГМИИ РТ
ул.Карла Маркса, 57
The Gallery of Modern Art of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Kazan, 57 Karl Marx St.) invites everyone to become a participant in the summer program of art mediation! There will be no strict excursions and lectures, each lesson is a lively easy dialogue on a variety of topics: contemporary art, music, theater, visual culture, photography, cinema, psychology. Only a free exchange of views is the way to understanding contemporary art!

July 4 at 19:00 - “The Glamorous Apocalypse of the 21st Century: Terrible or Beautiful?” (Art mediation as part of the Inverso mundus exhibition). Art mediator - art critic, laureate of the Prize named after Bucky Urmanche, Advisor to the Director of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan on national art Dean Akhmetov.
July 9 at 19:00 - "Outside of photography:" Inverso Mundus "of the AES + F art group." Lecturer - senior researcher at the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, historian of photography, candidate of historical sciences Ramina Abilova.
July 11 at 19:00 - “Man and Woman in an Inverted Reality” (art mediation in the framework of the exhibition “Inverso Mundus”). Art mediator - Inna Gorodetskaya, social psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, expert of the international association International Psycho-Educational Projects (Israel).
July 16 at 19:00 - “AES + F. Allegories of the present. Dialogues with the audience. " Moderator - Darya Rakhmanova, senior researcher at the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, graduate student of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.
July 18 at 19:00 - “Inverted world in the cinema” (art mediation in the framework of the exhibition “Inverso Mundus”). An art-mediator is a film expert, curator of the cinema programs Vremya Kino, program director of the International Youth Film Festival Adil Khaibullin.
July 19 at 19:00 - Creative laboratory for street art and graffiti. The author is a graffiti artist, head of the Kazan Graffiti Laboratory Denis “Oops” Garafeev. (Free admission)
July 23 at 19:00 - "Modern Theater: not only about the incomprehensible" (# art dialogues). The author is the PR director of the Living City contemporary art support fund, columnist for the London Poster, and the author of the Belovik telegram channel, Zoya Ruter-Antonova.
July 25 at 19:00 - “Inverso Mundus”: when music complements the meanings ”(art mediation as part of the exhibition“ Inverso Mundus ”). The art-mediator is a musicologist, head of the Contemporary Art Gallery of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Elvira Kamalova.
July 27 at 13:00 - “Why are some photos taken in contemporary art and others not?” (Lecture at the Inverso Mundus exhibition). Lecturer - photo critic, director of the PhotoDepartament fund, editor-in-chief of the online magazine Fmagazine, curator of the project "Young Photography" (St. Petersburg) Nadezhda Sheremeteva.
August 1 at 19:00 - New approaches in modern music production. World trends and trends (# art dialogs). The author is a pianist, composer, arranger, head of the JIVE Group production center, general producer of the Kazan LIVE International Festival of Contemporary Culture, laureate of international competitions Valery Korotkov.
August 6 at 19:00 - “Humor in culture. The psychological nature and functions of the funny in art ”(# art-dialogs). The author - Inna Gorodetskaya, Social Psychologist, Ph.D. (Psychology), expert at the International Psycho-Educational Projects International Association (Israel).
August 8 at 19:00 - Street art today: art or vandalism? (# art dialogs). The author is a graffiti artist, head of the Kazan Graffiti Laboratory Denis “Oops” Garafeev.
August 13 at 19:00 - “Vaporwave - the future that will never come” (# art dialogue). The author is a student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow) Alena Shurkina.
August 15 at 19:00 - “Retrowave - retrofuturism, science fiction and cyberpunk” (# art dialogue). The author is a student at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow) Alena Shurkina.
August 19 at 19:00 - Premiere of the play "Dardman" (on the 160th anniversary of the poet). The director is the chief director of the Kazan Theater of Young Spectators Tufan Imamutdinov.
August 20 at 19:00 - “Academic music and rock: the destruction of stereotypes” (# art dialogue). The author is an employee of the Gallery of Modern Art, a violinist, laureate of international competitions Adele Zaripova.
August 22 at 19:00 - “Aesthetics of the frame” (# art dialogue). The author is a film director, acoustics, sound engineer, student of the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors (Moscow) Ilseyar Damaskin.
August 27 at 19:00 - “What kind of opera by G. Puccini“ Turandot ”was seen by the artists of the AES + F art group” (art mediation as part of the “Inverso Mundus” exhibition). The authors are a musicologist, head of the Contemporary Art Gallery of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Elvira Kamalova; Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of international competitions, laureate of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil Aidar Suleymanov.
August 29 at 18:00 - Summing up the results of the photo contest # turn over the world and slide show of the winning works with the presentation of the “ICG guest of honor card”.
Ticket price: 300 rubles (the price includes visiting the Inverso Mundus exhibition and participating in art mediation). Participation in art mediation without visiting the exhibition: 50 rubles.
- Multimedia exhibition of generative art "SELF-MADE"
- Seminar "Art-mediation in the museum"
- The exhibition "Painting after Painting" presents the work of contemporary artists of St. Petersburg
- Marina Neyolova in the title role of the premiere performance on the stage of the Theater of Nations
- "Әllүki" Tufan Imamutdinova