Art group "Gorynychi". Three faces 0+
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с 1 Октября
по 2 НоябряТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Galleries "Flow" and "Artist’s Workshop", 3rd floor.
Members of the Gorynychi art group fly around the country and call their exhibitions “flights”. Their seventh exhibition and seventh city is the Artmuz Museum, St. Petersburg.
Since its inception, the creative team has referred to the sequence of exhibitions as “voyages”. The birth certificate of the "Gorynychs" was their first exposition in the Moscow gallery "Visit" in 2017. By 2018, the association had a larger-scale project linking such distant cities as St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. In 2021, after the 5th "flight" to Novosibirsk, "Flight No. 6" took place in Sochi (gallery "Fort"), and the exhibition in "Artmuz" (St. Petersburg) is already the 7th "flight"…
The group "Gorynychi" includes three artists, each with its own purely individual creative person. Denis Saunin’s metaphysical works, deeply symbolic, are permeated with “eloquent silence” and some timeless, cosmic sensation. Anna Shchegoleva’s paintings, made in the style of synthetic realism, are deeply metaphorical in their slightly ironic, almost everyday-descriptive manner. The canvases of VAN (Viktor Norkin), executed in the author’s characteristic style of semantic symbolism, present a unique look at familiar things from the most unusual angle.
The group’s artists work, at first glance, in very different genres. But, undoubtedly, in this group there is a very important unifying principle, which is based on the search for emotions. Their canvases were created not so much for contemplation, but as a philosophical rethinking of the global and local processes of the modern world. The plots of their paintings are based on subtle psychological situations, often autobiographical, but synthesized and generalized to such an extent that the viewer has almost no doubt that this is precisely his story, his thoughts and his experiences.
- Fairy tales in peasant household items
- An art project worth more than $ 500,000 was presented by the Russian CF Art Group at an exhibition in MANEZH (St. Petersburg)
- The national idea of Russia presented in Venice
- Denis Saunin. Abstract and Concrete 18+