Automatic translate
с 22 Октября
по 5 НоябряГалерея “Artefice”
Петроградская наб., д.22

November 22, 2019 at the Artefice Gallery opens a personal exhibition of Vitaly Valge “ARCHITECTURE. ROTUNDUS URBI. "
The exhibition is a joint work of two galleries: Artefice (St. Petersburg) and 1704Gallery (Munich) as part of an international project that provides for a series of personal and joint exhibitions of artists, sculptors of St. Petersburg. The project involves artists, sculptors, art historians and galleries from Russia, Germany, France, Austria, Serbia
Exhibition "Architecture. Rotundus Urbi ”is the result of the work of the St. Petersburg artist over the past twenty years. The master’s works retain a restrained, yet saturated color. The calmness of the palette balances the extremely full composition. Arcades and vaults open spaces, lead in a circle through the styles of epochs, reveal monuments and cities, signs and hints, revealing an eternal and vacillating form.
In the landscapes of Valge, the confident hand of the architect is immediately visible - masterfully painted structures, a lot of neatly prescribed details attract attention, drawing the viewer deeper into the space created by the painter.
Vitaly Valge was born in 1956.
1983 - graduated from the I.E. Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Repin, Faculty of Architecture.
1984 - 1st degree diploma of the All-Union Competition "Architectural Fantasy", Moscow.
1985 - Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
1985 - World Architecture Biennale "Interarch’85", Sofia, Bulgaria.
Since 1987 - a free artist.
1990 - International Art Fair "Art Hamburg", Hamburg, Germany.
1991 - St. Petersburg realism "The Unbroken Russian Tradition", Lewisburg, PA, USA.
1994 - "Domburg-Art St. Petersburg", Holland.
1998 - “Own Garden”, Palace Museum “Gatchina”.
2002 - “Tea House”, Summer Garden.
2005 - "Marco Polo", the gallery "Attic".
2006-2007 - “Autumn Salon”, gallery center of books and graphics.
Works are kept in private collections and in museums, including the Gatchina Palace Museum and Reading Public Museum, Pennsylvania, USA.
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