"The apotheosis of life." Exhibition of works by Vasily Shevchenko
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с 21 Июля
по 17 СентябряГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
An exhibition of an original Russian painter, a member of the International Federation of Artists of UNESCO, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Vasily Ivanovich Shevchenko (1926 - 1997) "Apotheosis of Life" will be held at the MVK RAX Art Gallery of Zurab Tsereteli. The exhibition will include about 50 works by the author from the collection of the Voronezh Art Museum. I.N. Kramskoy.
Creative biography of V.I. Shevchenko is quite complicated. He was born in the village of Kolybelka, Liskinsky district, Voronezh region. During World War II, he fought in the infantry, in 1945 he was seriously wounded near Koenigsberg, and was awarded government awards. Since 1950 he lived in Lipetsk. He did not receive a systematic art education - at first the war prevented, then the annoying “little things in life”. He independently improved his painting, which, according to researchers of his work, is distinguished by the "nature of universal humanity."
Since 1960, he participated in regional (Lipetsk, Voronezh), All-Russian (Moscow) and major international exhibitions in Madrid and Chicago. In 1990, he was admitted to the UNESCO International Federation of Artists, in 1991 - into the Union of Artists of Russia, to which the President of the Federation Eduard Drobitsky and the art restorer and art critic Savely Yamschikov contributed a lot. In 1990, the Central Documentary Film Studio shot a film dedicated to Shevchenko’s "Into the Deep Forest with the Mysterious Moon" (directed by V.V. Orekhov), after which the doors of the capital’s and foreign exhibition halls opened open. Shevchenko’s images, even during the life of the artist, had a chance to make a triumphal tour of the countries of the Old and New Worlds, making his creator one of the prominent representatives of the contemporary art culture. Currently, his works are stored in museums in Russia and Japan, Italy and Germany, Finland and Korea, the United States.
Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, director of the VOKhM them. I.N. Kramskoy, art critic V.D. Dobromirov says so about the artist’s work: “Shevchenko’s works are distinguished by a piercing sense of responsibility for tragic contradictions and, nevertheless, the wonderful world around us. No wonder the favorite metaphorical figures in his work were the cock and the butterfly, - symbols of the fighting spirit and fragility of life, overcome pain and heavenly ascension. ”
The author of genre compositions, landscapes, still lifes, various folklore, pictorial motifs, Vasily Shevchenko created in his work a colorful and poetic legend about the land of Pridonia with characteristic characters that he had known from childhood from popular beliefs about Mermaids and Leshs, about a good-minded beast, the living breath of the thicket and the expanses of the steppe. The world is fantastically incredible and fabulously convincing. The artist said so about himself: “I do not write animals, or people, or buildings. I write ideas that need to be cherished for a long time, so that they become expressive, and then you do not need to think about color, it comes by itself. ”
Shevchenko’s paintings are original picturesque messages to humanity, always filled with the greatest sincerity of feelings and thoughts.
The epigraph to all the work of V.I. Shevchenko would have the best phrase from a discussion of the artist’s art: “I am by myself. That’s better. I think that the main thing for an artist is to have his own face. ”
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