Anton Schablykin "Heads of Heroes". Apocrypha and artifacts Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution
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с 21 Мая
по 1 ИюняБорей Арт-Центр
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The exposition of St. Petersburg artist Anton Shchablykin will feature drawings, collages and sculptures created by the author in 2012-2018.
This is a kind of graphic essay. The artist offers the viewer in drawings and collages to open the apocrypha and discover artifacts, having made an exciting archaeological walk with a look at the finds discovered in the process. These findings are very common. Usually in parks, in forests, in the mountains, in his garden, in a family archive, in a field, in a special basket with a guillotine, on asphalt, in a closet, in Shakespeare’s tragedy, under a bed, in a swamp, in a raven’s corner, in in my head, under a table, in a bowl of soup, under my feet, among mushrooms, in my dog’s coat, in my memoirs, under my children’s nails, in a freezer by an African dictator, in Dostoevsky’s novel, in his own or rented cottage, in the grass by the lake, in the Bible, in a cupboard on a shelf among books, in his own beard… They are suddenly discovered and in the most inappropriate moment nt, when you enjoy a walk and that does not portend violations of the idyllic pastoral…
Anton Shchablykin is a St. Petersburg artist. Born in 1970 in Rostov-on-Don. In 1989 he graduated from the Rostov Art College. M. B. Grekova, later, in 1996 - the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts (now the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts RGISI), art and production department, course G. P. Sotnikova. As a production designer he designed a number of performances in Russian theaters. Since 1999, is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, section "Theater and Cinema". Since 1997 - artist of the St. Petersburg Mint. Since 2008 - Leading Artist of the Design Center of Goznak JSC. Since 2015 he has been teaching painting and drawing at the Department of Scenography at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts. He has been conducting exhibition activities since 1995.
1999 – 2018 - exhibitions of the Union of Artists of Russia
1995 - "Blikator", art club "OST-WEST"
1999 - “Pushkin 200 Years”, Union of Artists of Russia
2001 - “The Noble Art of Drawing”, Borey Gallery
2004 - “Traditions of Medal Art”. To the 280th anniversary of SPMD. State Hermitage Museum
2005 - “Petersburg and Petersburgers”, Union of Artists of Russia
2006 - “PLACE OF MEETING”, Borey Gallery
2007 - “DAY OF THIRD. GARDENS OF EDEM ”, Botanical Museum of BIN RAS
2011 - “Artists of Goznak”, Peter and Paul Fortress
2013 - “WHAT I SAW”, Peter and Paul Fortress, DC Goznak JSC
2014 - Cut & Paste. Collage. Peter and Paul Fortress, DC of Goznak JSC
2016 - “The History of Medal Art of Russia in the 18th - early 20th Centuries”, The State Hermitage Museum
2017 - “Big Drawings”, Peter and Paul Fortress, DC Goznak JSC
2017 - “Here, I drew a little in the summer.” Drawings, watercolors. Peter and Paul Fortress, DC of Goznak JSC
2017 - Anthropography. Homo Sapiens: Habitats ”, House of Scientists named after M. Gorky RAS
2018 - “Aliens. Aliens of their own ", Center for art and music bibl. them. V. Mayakovsky. Nevsky, 20
2018 - Petersburg Medal Exhibition Hall of the Goznak JSC
2019 - “Heads of Heroes. Apocrypha and artifacts ”, Borey gallery
- Exhibition of philatelic collections of Stanislav Nikolayevich Stepanov "Exhibition of postage stamps of Russia, the USSR and foreign postage stamps" ANNIVERSARY OF OCTOBER "
- Exhibition of works by Vladimir Mochalov. Portrait caricature in graphics and painting
- Exhibition "August Numismatist. Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. Fate and Heritage"
- Exhibition "Common Place"
- "Sport is youth"
- Anton Shchablykin. THEY