Andreas Vannestedt. Animation
Automatic translate
с 4 Сентября
по 10 ЯнваряМузей современного искусства Эрарта
Васильевский остров, 29-я линия, д.2
Erarta Museum presents mesmerizing 3D animations by Swedish artist Andreas Wannestedt, who has collaborated with Adidas, IKEA, Google, Coca-Cola and Omega
- A space full of soothing visuals
- Feelings close to the ASMR phenomenon
- Design-flawless creations

Stockholm-based artist Andreas Vannestedt creates 3D sculptures and mesmerizing looping animations. The key components of his author’s style are a wide palette of unsaturated colors, unusual geometric shapes, balanced compositions and natural materials. Vannestedt’s work transports the viewer into a space full of pacifying visual images that replace each other and predetermined sequences that can be repeated ad infinitum. Moreover, each work of the artist is flawless in terms of design.
At the first meeting, Vannestedt’s work gives rise to associations with such a phenomenon as ASMR. The phenomenon of "autonomous sensory meridional response" (ASMR) is a subjective physical response, often characterized by pleasant tingling and creeping sensations and euphoric or deeply calm. Many works by the author are devoted to states close to ASMR, including the most extensive series of videos entitled "Inexplicable Delight". According to the artist, it includes "short cyclical fragments, each of which is designed to cause the viewer to feel a feeling of hard-to-explain pleasure: this is a special feeling, one way or another familiar to all of us."
Andreas Wannestedt’s inimitable creative method and unique technical skills are reflected in the Endless Installations series. In the work "Timelessness", golden cylindrical columns and white hourglass move relative to each other in such an unusual way that it is difficult to understand which of the elements sets the movement. It seems that large heavy objects are about to collide, however, as in other works of the author, the viewer is not waiting for a collision, but an endless, hypnotizing repetition of the plot. The constructions that the artist creates are the perfect embodiment of his ideas about form and function. Together with its distinct connection to the ASMR world, this feature makes the Animation exhibition one of the most unusual in the history of Erarta Museum.
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