Anatoly the Bold. Tremerarch and Sculpture. Stone casting and scientific activity
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с 24 Апреля
по 3 МаяПоволжское отделение Российской академии художеств
Лаврушинский пер., д. 15
For the anniversary of the famous sculptor Anatoly the Bold, an excellent diverse retrospective of his sculptures was prepared, which will allow him to see his creations in different cities of Russia. The author of the photos is Mikhail Smely, the son of the artist.
Of the 80 years of life, 50 years (1967-2017) were given to the profession of a sculptor. During this time, the author created 323 works, of which 28 monuments were erected. The most interesting are: 1986-179 - V.G. Shukhov (cast stone), 1989-184 Walking Schepkin (bronze), 1994-215- S.A. Dekhtyarev (bronze), 1998-230 - I.S. Konev (copper sheet), 2003-242- City of the first salute (steel, concrete), 2006-263 - A.I. Hesse (copper sheet).
A.S. Brave. 1998-230 - I.S. Konev copper 2 HB Belgorod
Monument 1986-179 - V.G. Shukhov (cast stone) is interesting in that for the FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD in August 1987, a half-figure was made by V.G. Shukhov from metallurgical slag of the Nikopol Ferroalloys plant using stone casting in a disposable form, the composition of the mixture of which was patented by the author. The monument is installed in the city of Grayvoron, Belgorod region. For 30 years (1987-2017) of operation on the fine surface of a stone with a peraxenic structure, there was no damage.
A.S. Brave. 1986-179 - V.G. Shukhov cast stone 130x120x90 Grayvoron
Monument 1989-184 Walking Schepkin (bronze) is interesting because the FIRST TIME IN MIRE is expressed by the actor, as N.V. Gogol, "in his role." The author presented the monument to the city of Sumy, as the city of his childhood.
A.S. Brave. 1989-184 Going M.S. Shchepkin bronze 2 HB Sumy
Monuments 2003-242- The city of the first salute (steel, concrete) and 2006-263 - A.I. Hesse (copper sheet) is interesting in that FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD, TREMEARCH is used in monuments. This is a technical form of spatial arts, which the author invented in 1989 by tectonic synthesis of three-dimensional graphics and architecture. Tremerarch is capable of expressing more than four linear-volumetric artistic symbols in one volume line. In composition with the sculpture, the tremerarch has the ability to expand the boundaries of the spiritual content of the visual theme with its symbols. For 28 years (1989-2017), the author composed and produced 75 sculptural-tremerarch compositions for competitions, exhibitions and monuments:
- FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD On August 4, 2003, a figurative sculpture and tremerarch monument 242 - The city of the first salute was installed in the village of Komsomolets, Belgorod region, Belgorod region and
- FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD On October 3, 2006, a portrait sculpture and tremerarch monument 263-A.I. Hesse is installed in a boarding school, Korocha, Belgorod region.
For 20 years (1997-2017) of publications, the author drew attention:
1.- to use from the primitive era the properties of visual arts to be a way of knowing life as an easel form and as a way of self-education of a person as a monumental form;
2.- at the discovery in the mechanical era, which began with the advent of the Academy of Arts in 1600, the properties of the visual arts to have an ideological component, first identified in 1759 by the French philosopher D. Didro during the first art criticism analysis of works of art at the exhibition of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts arts;
3.- for a random discovery and testing on the population of Russia in the technical era, which began with the patenting in 1839 of the invention of chemical photography, the properties of the fine arts have the following methods:
- creating faith in ideology with the help of such easel painting and literary commentary on it, which, according to the visual and auditory perceptions of the meaning of ideology, coincided and
- destruction of faith in ideology with the help of such dimensional easel sculpture and literary commentary on it, which did not coincide with the visual and auditory perceptions of the meaning of ideology, because the visual perception of dimensional easel sculpture was distorted before the cartoon by wave diffraction of light, and auditory perception contained a laudatory interpretation of a monumental forms;
4.- to discover in the technical era the possibilities of the visual arts to use the regularity of tectonic synthesis when creating a monumental method in the primitive era and when creating technical types of spatial arts;
5.- for the discovery and implementation in the technical era of the ability of the visual arts to use the new technical form of spatial arts - the tremerarch, applying its symbolic and pictorial capabilities in the sculpture + tremerarch + pedestal for the monument to the ideology of truth and peace;
6.- for the discovery and introduction in the technical era of the possibility of fine arts to use stone sculpture using the stone casting method in a single non-removable form, the mixture of which is patented;
7.- on the method of stone casting sculptures that technologically preserves the Egyptian principle of monumentality;
8.- on the monumental method of making sculptures needed for the progressive education of society;
9.- on the classification of types of spatial arts, where technical types began to be invented in 1839 (chemical photo), and electronic types in 2008 (digital photo);
10.- on the regularity of the category "tectonic synthesis", which manifested itself - in the craft era, as a method of manufacturing monumental sculpture (tectonic synthesis of easel sculpture and architecture),
- and in the technical era, as a way of forming technical types of spatial arts: chemical photo - 1839, design – 1919, tremerarch – 1989.
- and, as a way of forming electronic forms of spatial arts: digital line and color - 2008, digital form – 2010;
11.- on the ideology of the visual-auditory method of reconstruction:
- capitalism to socialism (1871),
- socialism in capitalism (1967) and
- capitalism in communitarianism (2006).
The articles published in scientific journals, the author collected in collections: “LOMOM Lomonosov-Boma” (2016) and “LOBOM tremerahrah” (2016).
Creative and scientific activity was supported by:
Chairman of the EC Diocesan Council of Moscow, Archpriest V. Siloviev (10.11.00);
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy2 (08.27.2002);
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor I.A. Ilyaeva (08.30.02);
Art critic I.A. Bashinskaya (09/30/02);
Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor SPbGHPA A.F. Dmitrenko (10.20.02);
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Theology of BelSU, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. M.S. Zhirov (07.23.06);
Leading Researcher, State Institute of Art Studies, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor I.E. Svetlov (04.25.06);
Doctor Arch., Ch-K Academy of Architecture of Ukraine, prof., V.P. Mironenko (05.25.06);
Doctor of Arts, Leading Scientific Assoc. Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Arts Yu.P. Markin (8/10/07).
For active participation in the exhibitions “Art Today”, “Burganov’s House” and “ARSLONG”, the TSHR awarded Bronze (2010) and Silver (2012) medals.
Sculptor A.S. Brave,
member of the TCL of the Russian Federation, 89 61 174 78 56, 8 (4722) 754 137.
A.S. Brave. 1994-215 Composer S.A. Dyagteryov bronze 2 HB Belgorod
A.S. Brave. 1999-235 A.S. Pushkin plaster, 62x50x50
A.S. Brave. 2011-298 Korolev-Gagarin-space copper, 35x28x38
A.S. Brave. 2013-308 Vysotsky copper, 79x26x27
A.S. Brave. 2016-318 100 years of the Revolution, gypsum, 35x30x33