Anastasia Agafonova "The paradigm of creativity"
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Творческий Союз художников России
с 23 Сентября
по 1 ОктябряВыставочный зал Изобразительных искусств ТСХР “Лаврушинский, 15”
Лаврушинский пер. 15

The widespread use of polystylistics in the art of the twentieth century largely explains the variety of creative methods of pre-digital art of the present.
The doctrine of combining an extensive arsenal of stylistic diversity and artistic techniques embedded in a rigid system of ornamental compositions of enamel panels and in the plastic of painted sketches is a hallmark of this exposition.
The fifth solo exhibition of the works of the artist, teacher, art critic Anastasia Agafonova in the technique of hot enamel, painting and poetry is a summing up of the creative result for a twenty-year period of work at the Academy. S. G. Stroganova. In alma mater, the process of accumulating artistic experience, adding up the author’s handwriting, mastering the technology of painting and enamel took place.
The author’s favorite format is a square. It is the regular quadrangle that forms the necessary space to create movement deep into the picture plane, and the rhythmic transformations and spatial transformations around the compositional centers are aimed at conveying the artist’s visual message. The combination of impossible figures, stylized images of flowers and animals, paraphrases on the themes of the epic of different cultures - form the basis of the pictorial language of enamel paintings. The storyline of the compositions is expressed as a result of working in the technique of hot enamel, which involves not only a brilliant knowledge of the technology, but also professional intuition.
All the open-air sketches presented represent vast geography from Carpathian to Altai Mountains. These works are distinguished by artistic generalization, monumentality, a free expressive manner and a special Nordic almost masculine style of writing. Poetry is, on the contrary, sensual and feminine lyrical.
The addition of the exhibition environment, on the one hand, with complementary images, on the other hand, with different technologies and genres, is the main idea of the author.
Ph.D. in History of Arts,
Secretary of the section DI TSHR, professor,
and. about. Head Department of MJ
Anastasia Agafonova
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