Alfrid Shaimardanov. Our everything ...
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с 19 Января
по 18 ФевраляНациональная художественная галерея “Хазинэ”
Кремль, проезд Шейнкмана, 12, 3-й подъезд
“Our everything…” is the name of the triptych of Alfrid Shaimardanov, in which the poets considered to be the national Russian heritage were reflected in a symbolic abstract form. The artist, whose work is rightly attributed to the naive direction, creates paintings that reflect the whole spectrum of a person’s emotional life of his biography: joys and drama, happiness and sorrows, problems of society and the individual… Naive painting that does not comply with the boundaries of academic art, original, free, very individually opens to the viewer the world of images and meanings. The artist created his own mythology, which is very specific. It is created by a person who has sprouted roots in urban, “educated” soil, and therefore behind the naivety of forms in his paintings is the crafty philosophy of a city resident who has absorbed a lot of surrounding information. The artist perceived it with immediate childishness in the look and irony of an adult. His works consist of “high forms and genres” that have turned into naive art and form a touching and distinctive world. Considering A. Rousseau, N. Pirosmani, J. Generalich as his teachers, he also originally masters the life surrounding him and spiritual culture. However, A. Shaimardanov began his career with abstract art, receiving a letter as a symbolic “blessing” from the famous Italian neoconstructivist artist and designer Jetulio Alviani. The abstract art of the artist, who is mainly known for his naive works, will be first shown at the exhibition in the Khazine Gallery. And most of the "naive" paintings have never been exhibited in Kazan.

Artist Shaimardanov Alfrid was born in the village of Sababash of the Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. He grew up in Karaganda (Kazakhstan). He served in the army, since 1983 he studied at the Leningrad Institute of Film Engineers (now St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television). Since 1988 lives in Kazan. Engaged in painting since 1993.
The artist participated in the INSITA World Exhibition of Naive Art in Bratislava in Slovakia (1997), the International Biennale of Cartooning in Santa Cruz in Spain (2004), the Naive Art Exhibition in Riga in Latvia (2014), and the exhibition of naive art in Kutna Hora in Czech Republic (2016). Member of Festniva in 2004, 2013, 2017 In 2013, his personal exhibition was held at the Museum of Naive Art (Moscow). In 2015, a personal exhibition “Ethnic Space. West + East ”in the Moscow House of Nationalities. In 2016, he participated in the exhibition “Art and Fashion” in the gallery “Dresden” in the Gostiny Dvor and the project “The Red Gate. Russian Academy of Arts and Creative Union of Artists of Russia”. Against the stream". In 2017, a participant in the exhibition “Naive… But” at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and the International Exhibition Project “The Great Silk Road: Yangtze / Volga / Danube” (PAX and TLC of Russia) in Harbin (China), Saratov, Moscow, Bratislava (Slovakia) Member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
His works are in the Museum of Naive Art (Moscow), the Museum of Organic Culture (Kolomna), the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts (collection of E. Roizman), and private collections in Russia and Europe.
The name of Alfrid Shaimardanov was included in the reference book of K. G. Bohemsky “Naive Artists of Russia. Collector’s Lexicon ”(St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2009), the works were published in the Naive Art: Volume 1 catalog. London: Sachet Mixte Themes (2015), in the album Museum of Naive Art. Collection of Eugene Roizman "(Yekaterinburg, 2015), in the art encyclopedia" Red Gate. Against the current - 2016 ”(M., 2016).
According to the famous film director Marina Razbezhkina: “The paintings of A. Shaimardanov are not so much high art as the ability to say something that has been forgotten by a huge number of people, it is a rare gift that is incredibly valuable in helping us remember the forgotten - our historical childhood.”
Akhmetova Dina, art critic, laureate of the Republican Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the RT B. Urmanche