Alexey Varsopko. On the other hand
Automatic translate
с 3 по 14 Сентября
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
The exhibition will present conceptual objects from used corrugated cardboard with varying degrees of artistic intervention.
From the author
Live-live, everything seems to be clear. Everything is laid out on shelves, much is planned ahead, and what is not scheduled will be scheduled when the time comes. There is a clear path along which you walk without turning. My path.
And there is a background.
What could be interesting in the background? Background he is the background.
Well, yes, it happens that an inexplicable alarm comes in, you start to look around, listen, check your pockets, but then it rolls back.
And you go again. And around the background.
Not always, of course, everything is smooth and even, sometimes you even stumble, but you perceive this as an exception. And you go further along the same path. Around all the same background.
And then all of a sudden! and the path makes a zigzag or you zigzag yourself from the path, and there is something that you didn’t even know about.
You stop, then you start to peer, and you understand that…
Live-live, everything seems to be clear.
And then all of a sudden! you go to Borey, and there…
Alexey Varsopko was born in 1963.
Permanently resides in St. Petersburg.
Important exhibitions:
1996 personal “Newspaper modules”, Gallery-21, St. Petersburg
2000 together with Igor Lebedev “Russian poetry in pictures”, gallery Navicula Artis, St. Petersburg
2008 personal “Where to go?”, Borey Gallery, St. Petersburg
2008 personal “Everything is very simple”, Luda Gallery, St. Petersburg
2209 personal St. Petersburg Training, Squirrel and Arrow Gallery, St. Petersburg
2010 personal "Third Side of the Moon", Borey Gallery, St. Petersburg
2015 personal “TAM”, Navicula Artis Gallery, St. Petersburg
2017 video installation “Old device and O.”, State Hermitage Youth Educational Center at Proxima exhibition (as part of 11 Cyberfest)
- “My Joy Has No Limit” - a retrospective exhibition of Svetlana Zhigalova in the hall of the Fellowship of Painters
- Septic tanks for a private home - put them on shelves
- Serge Golovach: "I"