ALEXEI YORSH. Tracing paper. Exhibition for municipal workers. Painting
Automatic translate
с 18 по 21 Января
Галерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
“Tracing paper is a material intended for copying. Therefore, it is very tempting for an artist to use tracing paper to make a copy from reality. When you make copies, you involuntarily pay attention to the details, you see the imperceptible.
Moscow is actively rebuilding, this process causes active discussion in society. How they laid the tiles, how they did not put the tiles, where they dug up the hole, where they buried the hole. Behind all these conversations, people in orange vests that have already become an indistinguishable part of the city landscape are lost.
They are excluded by the language barrier, hidden behind fences, and are often generally below ground level. They are not us.
I wanted to pick them up from the ground, bring them to the gallery, to where they themselves would never come.
Well, in general it’s beautiful. ”
Alexey Iorsh
Alexey Iorsh, one of the first Russian comics artists, will present a series of paintings on tracing paper that has been created over several years. This project combines the techniques of traditional Chinese ink painting, the graphic culture of comics and social themes. Alexey is one of the creators of the country’s first comic-studio "KOM". He studied at the Crocodile magazine’s studio school and for many years was the chief artist of the newspaper Evening Moscow, and then worked in advertising as a creative director. Alexey is also known as a cartoonist and graphic artist. His works have been awarded at international professional competitions. He is an active participant in the KomMissiya festival, a popular blogger, curator of a number of "exhibitions - self-organizations." He is considered one of the pioneers of comic art in Russia.
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