Subscription number 58. Age of Boulez. Pro et contra
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с 5 Октября
по 5 МаяРахманиновский зал консерватории
ул. Большая Никитская, д. 13/6
The sale of subscriptions to the Moscow Conservatory for the next season is open. Among them is a subscription from four concerts “The Century of Boulez. Pro et Contra ”, which will be attended by pianists Aleksey Lyubimov, Mikhail Dubov and Ekaterina Derzhavina, the Rusquartet quartet and the New Music Studio ensemble.
Subscription “The Age of Boulez. Pro et Contra ”is dedicated to one of the brightest figures of music of the twentieth century. In many ways, Boulez determined the development of new music not only as a composer, but also as a conductor and public figure, whose sphere of interests included everything that is commonly called New Music. The anthology of New Music through the prism of Boulez is the main principle that underlies the cycle programs. Around one or two works of the composer included in the program, a kind of commentary is compiled, composed of the works of composers of different generations, countries and directions. But this is by no means a mosaic portrait of Boulez, in which the features of his own musical appearance are mechanically moving along the main lines of the development of music in the 20th and 21st centuries. This is a route map of those deep connections that, on the contrary, pull together the extremely colorful picture of the musical art of the new era, where Boulez arises at any single point. He becomes our companion and conductor on the sound paths of the twentieth century.
Subscription No. 58. From Impressionism to Spectralism (France)
Subscription number 58. From the newcomers to serial production
Subscription No. 58. Neoclassicists and folklorists
FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2017
Subscription number 58. From minimalism to conceptualism
Ensemble of soloists "Studio of new music"
Conductor -
Igor Dronov
Alexey Lyubimov, Mikhail Dubov, Ekaterina Derzhavina (piano)
Ekaterina Kichigina (soprano), Stanislav Malyshev (violin), Nikita Agafonov (clarinet), Marina Rubinstein (flute), Olga Galochkina (cello)
Rusquartet consisting of:
Ksenia Gamaris (I violin)
Anna Yanchishina (II violin)
Ksenia Zhuleva (viola)
Peter Karetnikov (cello)
Beginning at 19.00
Price: from 1000 to 2400 p. (4 concerts)
- In dialogue with the post-war vanguard
- Boulez. Pro et Contra. Neoclassical and folklorists
- From impressionism to spectralism
- From newcomers to serial