September 5 is an open day at the Nagornaya gallery
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5 Сентября
Галерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10
11:00 Zone of creativity. Meeting guests, greeting
11:15 -12: 00 Creative Zone 3+. Children’s creative studio "Magic Country" presents a direction for the smallest!
Three years, the baby has grown significantly. And he considers himself an adult. After all, his speech is well developed. It is completely open for knowledge of the world, mastery of knowledge and new skills. The kid feels confident in his abilities. This age is also associated with the development of aesthetic abilities. Little flowers are admired by beautiful flowers, music, pictures, things. The program of our studio includes painting for kids in a playful way, modeling from plasticine, and many other interesting and most important things useful for children’s development.
Presenter - Anna Burmistrova, psychologist, art therapist
Target Audience 3+
11:30 - 12:00 Playground 0+. Cartoons
We have prepared a special program of animated films for children and adults! You are waiting for Soviet, Russian and foreign cartoons, your favorite heroes or yet unfamiliar characters. Sit back and enjoy!
12:00 - 13:00 Communication zone 5+. Children’s talent contest "Inspiration"
Your child is a talent! Let everyone know about it! Dance, sing, read poetry or songs, no limits! The main condition is to show your creativity to an expert jury. You can participate from 5 years!
12:15 - 13:00 Playground 0+. Outdoor games
All children love to move, run, jump and of course, play, and the quests will not leave anyone indifferent! No real holiday and fun can do without it. So why not do it in costumes? We will try, and the Moscow theater “Bird of Two Worlds” will help us!
13:00 - 13:45 Creative zone 5+. Presentation of the children’s psychological theater
In our small psychological theater, the main characters are children. They play themselves. Myself evil and good, yourself in the form of a cat Basilio or an alien robot, a beautiful princess or a fire-breathing dragon. They always remain themselves, but their self-image is changing. Through play activities, the child learns to be different, the plasticity of his brain develops and at the same time the ability to adapt to the environment in the best way! You can learn more about how to harmonize a growing personality with fairy tale therapy methods by visiting a presentation.
Presenter - Anna Burmistrova, psychologist, art therapist
Target audience 5+
13.00-14.00 Art workshop 12+. Chinese painting for everyone!
If you have long been burning the desire to learn how to draw, and you can not dare to take a brush in your hands… Do not be discouraged and come to us! Teachers of the U-Sin School of Chinese Painting will help you and you will easily touch art! In the lesson, you will learn the secrets of traditional painting and calligraphy in China and try yourself in this skill!
13:15 - 14:00 Communication zone 18+. Presentation of the Moscow theater “Bird of Two Worlds” “A conversation over a cup of tea”
“You can lie in love, in politics, in medicine, you can deceive people, but in art you cannot deceive”
Laureate of international theater competitions, the Bird of Two Worlds theater led by Andrei Spiridonov, whose performances take part in national and foreign festivals, will present an excerpt from his performance to the audience and will offer to talk about art in a friendly circle, “for a cup of tea”.
14:00 Creative Zone 0+. Big lunch and the contest of culinary talents “Tablecloth-self-assembly”
“Big lunch” is the birth of a tradition, the aim that it pursues is to bring together all kinds of people at a common table and create an additional opportunity for communication. Visitors bring their own lunch and, if they wish, they bring it for others, it turns out to be a chuckle lunch where the elderly and young, representatives of different social groups, friends and strangers can get to know each other better! The whole holiday is created by the common efforts of residents, so take with you what you want to share, and come.
And to make it even more interesting, we propose to arrange a real contest of culinary abilities, where all visitors to the gallery will vote and, of course, taste dishes. The rules for participation are simple - you cook at home and bring them to the Big Lunch! After voting, we count the votes and reward the winner at 15.30. We promise valuable prizes!
14:00 - 14:30 Playground 5+. Presentation of an interactive educational project for children "On Art at Work Shop"
An interactive educational project for children, in which you can not only listen, but also participate in creative art experiments.
Presenter - Elena Ostrer (painter, theater artist, teacher, head of an art studio for adults and children)
14:15 -15: 00 Communication zone 14+. Presentation of a series of health and environmental programs
Leading specialist Maria Zakharova will test and tell you how to care for hair and facial skin, will present a beauty studio that she plans to launch in the gallery this fall. You will also learn how to maintain a good environment in the home.
14:30 - 15:15 Creative zone 7+. Children’s creative studio "Magic Country" presents a direction for children 7 years old
The program for younger students implements comprehensively developing activities for children of 7 years old - painting, modeling, application, etc. We bring happiness to the family, revealing the child’s talents easily and joyfully!
Presenter - specialist, artist and teacher Ulman Larisa
Target audience 7+
15:00 - 15:45 Playground. Children’s disco with the support of the teenage club "Unity"
No holiday can be imagined without a dance part. This is its most important component, which completely frees participants from stamps and frames, allows you to jump high and have fun. At least that is what we are counting on.
15:00 - 15:30 Communication zone. Wellness practice
Leading specialist Viktor Kozhikhin will tell you how to keep your body healthy and teach you how to manage your body and vital energy.
15.00 Art workshop 8+. Master class in cold batik
Batik is attractive because of its simplicity and the fact that you do not have to be a professional artist to achieve beautiful results. This master class is for children and adults. David Diogo will talk about various techniques of drawing on fabric and together with the participants will create trial sketches!
16:00 - 16:30 Communication zone. Presentation of the cycle of music programs (sings Yuzhin)
Laureate of international and Russian contests incomparable Alesey Yuzhin invites everyone to the presentation of the new season. It will be held in the format of a creative meeting where you can not only listen to music, but also talk with the singer.
16:00 - 16:45 Creative zone. Children’s creative studio "Magic Country" presents a direction for children 5 years old
Target audience 5+
14:30 - 15:15 Creative zone 5+. Children’s creative studio "Magic Country" presents a direction for children 7 years old
The program for preschool children implements comprehensively developing activities for children of 5 years old - painting, modeling, application, etc. We bring happiness to the family, revealing the child’s talents easily and joyfully!
Presenter - specialist, artist and teacher Irina Potselueva
Target audience 5+
And also in the zone of the Studio of Arts throughout the day the presentation of various workshops on painting for adults.
17:00 Playground. Performance within IV international project "Abstract art in modern Russia"
Our whole life is a series of moments. Human memory captures everything, but reproduces fragmentarily. In the gaps of the conscious lies the unconscious. That which is impossible to realize calls for a solution. Vinyl transparent film, black marker. With a free stroke I create a graphic version of a momentary emotional outburst. Layering images, trying to see the whole image and get an impetus for further actions of Russia
Artist Sidorina Irina
Time: 5.09 from 11 to 19 hours
Location: st. Remizova, 10
Phone for inquiries: 499 123-65-69
Free admission
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