4th exhibition of the art project "3 by 3":
Automatic translate
с 3 по 26 Марта
Галерея “Беляево”
ул.Профсоюзная, 100
March 3 at 19:00 in the Gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow"
the 4th exhibition of the art project “3 by 3” opens: “Surface”, which will be held as part of the partnership program of the Belyaevo Gallery and the Free Workshops School of Contemporary Art of Debut MMOMA
The project “3 to 3” is a series of exhibitions revealing such well-established concepts as “color”, “texture”, “form”, “space” and so on. Moving away from the complex philosophical issues of “narrativeness” and “context,” the project attempts to make contemporary art accessible to perception and understanding by shifting the attention vector from the Curator’s Statement to the Artist’s Work.
The goal of the series of exhibitions is to identify and compare the professional methods of contemporary artists and the differences in their plastic solutions and approaches within the framework of similar tasks that they set for themselves in their work. At each exhibition, 3 works of 3 artists are presented, united by a formal theme, reflected in their artistic language.
The project “3 to 3” was launched in the spring of 2016. During this time, 3 exhibitions were held, in which 15 artists took part. The Surface exhibition will bring together artists from St. Petersburg and Moscow. It will feature documentation of performances by Natalya Balabanova, objects by Denis Patrakeyev and etchings by Ivan Arkhipov, including his animated video created using etching.
The exhibition was organized with the assistance of the MMOMA Young Art Support Program.
Participants: Ivan Arkhipov, Natalya Balabanova, Denis Patrakeev.
Project curators: Alexandra Kochetkova and Anna Tretyakova.
Exhibition "Surface"
Dates: March 3 - 26, 2017
Opening hours: Tue - Sun 11.00 – 20.00
Cost: 100 r. (50 p. - discount ticket)
Gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow"
St. Profsoyuznaya, 100, m "Belyaevo"