27 new film projects will be presented at the Moscow Film Festival business venue
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27 new film projects, more than 400 participants, more than 15 round tables and presentations will be presented within 4 days at the business venue of the Moscow International Film Festival “Moscow Business Square”.
From June 21 to June 24, 2014, the business venue of the Moscow International Film Festival Moscow Business Square will be held in Moscow for the sixth time. The event will be supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
The central events of the business program will be events dedicated to the film industry of Latin America. A delegation of more than 30 leading producers, distributors and representatives of film funds from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and other countries is expected. As part of the Moscow Co-Production Forum, 12 film projects from Latin America will be presented. At round tables and presentations it will be possible to learn about financing schemes and distribution of films, opportunities for filming and much more. A master class will be held on filming and financing the film-participant of the official program of the Cannes Film Festival in 2014 - “Dust” (starring Gael Garcia Bernal).
Among other activities of the business program can be identified:
- Master Solomon’s Animation Effects Supervisor Workshop, Framestore (UK) - “ New Filmmaking Philosophy: Gravity .” Max Solomon was a supervisor of animation effects on Gravity. Prior to that, he oversaw animation effects in the films The Dark Knight, Especially Dangerous, The Golden Compass, The Human Child, the four parts of Harry Potter and many others.
- Presentation of the project "Tank 88 " in the focus on the UK. The project will be directed by Peter Briggs (Hellboy). Starring Gary Oldman, Jay Barushel and Thomas Kretchman.
- Round table on the topic "Production and distribution of films in Central Asia . " As part of the round table, such projects as “He and She” (cash register of Kazakhstan in 2013), “Geologist. Stronger than Death ”(the first production film project in Uzbekistan),“ Salam, New York ”(the highest grossing film in the entire history of Kyrgyzstan’s independence), as well as other film projects.
- Round table “ Export of formats and remakes ”, within the framework of which successful examples of selling formats of Russian television series abroad, the fate of the rights sold to remakes of Russian films, prospects for creating remakes of successful Russian films in co-production will be examined.
- Round table " Features of the production and distribution of biographical films (biopic) " with the participation of Russian and foreign producers, as well as the mentor of Hollywood screenwriters - Professor Richard Krevolin.
- Presentation of the Arsenal Film and Video Art Institute (Germany) and the Forum program of the Berlin Film Festival.
Traditionally, the main event of Moscow Business Square will be the presentation of new film projects as part of the Moscow Co-Production Forum. This year 27 projects will be presented. At one time, film directors presented their film projects at the forum: Peter Greenaway, Victor Ginzburg, Olga Dykhovichnaya, Angelina Nikonova, Pavel Sanaev, Slava Ross, Dmitry Mamulia, Alexander Mindadze and many others.
Game and animation projects:
- Andrei Khrzhanovsky’s new work "Nose, or the conspiracy of" not such "" . As well as the previous film of the master "One and a half rooms or a sentimental journey to the Homeland " this project will be carried out in a complex genre, namely, animation, collages of the chronicles, fragments of documentaries and game scenes will be used.
- "Bloody Far East " by Chinese director Du Liang. The New Chinese Film Talents Fund Forum, a special fund supporting young Chinese cinema, awarded this work as the main prize in the special section of the Cannes Film Market. The film tells about the events of 1916, when, trying to escape from local wars, the inhabitants of northeast China are in the midst of a civil war in Russia.
- "Rudolf Nureyev. The Beginning " is the second part of a large-scale international project dedicated to Rudolf Nureyev. Immediately after the release of the first part of the film, the documentary "Rudolph Nureyev, the Rebel Demon ", filming of the feature film "Rudolv Nureyev. The Beginning " began. Game tape “Rudolf Nureyev. Beginning ” will tell about the most unknown period of the dancer’s life - his life before leaving Russia.
- " Alexander Dovzhenko. Odessa debut " - in 2014, the film community celebrates 120 years since the birth of Alexander Dovzhenko. The project "Alexander Dovzhenko. Odessa debut " - which will be only the first part of a large project dedicated to the famous Soviet director, will be timed to coincide with this date.
- The project "Trumpet " by Azerbaijani director Asif Rustamov tells the fate of a mountain shepherd who, of his own free will, was involved in a conflict between local businessmen and gangsters. The project was successfully presented at a pitching in Locarno.
The documentary part of the co-production forum includes projects from Russia, Afghanistan, Australia and Finland. Russia will be presented by two ambitious projects at once: the project of Ekaterina Eremenko "Lake " East ", as well as the work of Louis Bodmon " Soviet Groove " . " Lake "East " is a project recently supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, will approach as close as possible to one of the most mysterious and coldest places on Earth - I’ll shoot at the Antarctic station "Vostok ", next to it you can see the mysterious Lake Vostok, which for millions of years has been isolated from the earth’s surface.
- "Soviet groove " - a documentary project directed by Louis Beaudemont, dedicated to the diversity of Soviet music, which has remained underestimated. This documentary is not dedicated to a particular famous group or groups; it is a journey into the world of music in the USSR, into the world of musicians, fashion, freedom, censorship, dancing, festivals, holidays, concerts (official, unofficial, legal, and illegal), night clubs, the determination of some and the indecision of others, the economy, record stores, samizdat, radio, television, conservatories, the Ministry of Culture, dude… How much did the musicians have freedom?
- "Hip Hop in Kabul " is a full-length documentary project by Fazila Amiri. In 1996, the Taliban banned Afghan women and girls from studying and working. After the ban was lifted in 2001, the main character of the film Paradise Sorouri decides to return from Iran to her native Afghanistan and tell her story with the help of hip-hop, music that is far from popular and little known in Afghanistan.
The main focus of the Moscow Co-production Forum this year will be Latin American cinema. In the program, you can immediately see projects from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Chile.
- “The Chosen One” is a Mexican game film project that tells about the murder of Leo Trotsky in 1940 in Mexico City. The film will be produced by the famous Mexican producer Monica Lozana (Bitch-Love), who will personally present the project in Moscow.
- "Maria Prestes " - a Brazilian documentary about the fate of Maria Prestes - the widow of Louise Carlos Prestes. Louise Carlos Prestes was an icon of the Communist Party of Brazil. He was famous not only inside his country. Mary remained all her life in the shadow of her husband.
- "Trustee " - a documentary thriller that reveals the problem of drug trafficking in Colombia. All stories are told by Gustavo Salazar Pinheida, a Mafia lawyer, a controversial, eccentric person who can be called a representative of modern Colombia.
- "Insomnia " - Mexican animation project by Luis Telles, who participated in the pitching Gabriel Figeroa Fillm Fund. Stop motion animation demonstrates a simultaneously foggy frightening future and a beautiful mythological past.
Game and animation projects:
1. Ademoka, producer Olga Khlashcheva, director Serik Abishev (Kazakhstan)
2. Alexander Dovzhenko. Odessa debut, producer Vladimir Filippov, Andriy Suyarko, director Konstantin Konovalov (Ukraine)
3. Bloody Far East, producer Lee MinKhao, Mai Lizi Wangbo, director Du Liang (China, Russia)
4. Nanuk, producer Veselka Kiryakova, director Milko Lazarov (Bulgaria)
5. Nobody and nowhere, producer Julia Sobolevskaya, director Andrei Redkin (Russia)
6. Ordinary Evil, producer Daniel Stark, director Alisa Kurgan (Germany, Russia)
7. Pipe, producer and director Azif Rustamov (Azerbaijan)
8. Rudolf Nuriev. Start, producer Alfiya Chebotareva, director Evgeny Tirdatova (Russia)
9. “Nose or Conspiracy of“ Not Such ”, producer and director Andrei Khrzhanovsky (Russia)
10. Sugar time, producer Ieva Norvilene, director Saulius Drunga (Lithuania)
Documentary and cross-media projects:
1. Hip-hop in Kabul, producer Paul Lee, director Fatsila Amiri (Afghanistan)
2. Lake Vostok: producer Vladimir Bazhin, director Ekaterina Eremenko
3. Sky City, producer Perti Veljanen, director Anna-Karin Grönros (Finland)
4. Soviet groove, producer Alexey Gittelson, director Louis Bodmon (Russia-USA)
5. Woman, producer Joana Bens / Fedor Druzin, director Hannah Moon (Australia / Russia)
Projects from Latin America:
1. Lunik 3, producer Victor Zavala Kugler, director Antonio Zavala Kugler (Mexico)
2. The Chosen One, Monica Lozano, directed by Antonio Chavarrias (Mexico)
3. Tower, producer Roberto Garza, director R. Garza and Juan Obrejon (Mexico)
4. Insomnia, producer and director Louise Tellez (Mexico)
5. Defeat, producer Alessandra Brittes, director Davy de Oliveira (Brazil)
6. Oranha, producer Mikeli Crestani, director Cristiano Sensi (Brazil)
7. Maria Prestes, producer Manuela Costa, director Lyudmila Curi (Brazil)
8. Pets, directed by Jessica Huppert Berman, directed by Andres Bais (Colombia)
9. Trustee, producers Joni Hendris - Alejandra Mosquera, The Confidant, directed by Luis Villegas (Colombia)
10. Revolution, producer and director Camilo Molano (Colombia)
11. The last person, producer Danila Zaritsky, director Rodrigo Villa (Argentina)
12. Incarnation, producer Felippe Aichile: director Andre Aranchibia (Chile)
- “The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another” by Ainissa Ramirez
- “Love, Hate and Other Filters” by Samira Ahmed
- “A Sunset of the City” by Gwendolyn Brooks
- “Internment” by Samira Ahmed
- Exhibition of graphics by Samira Yanushkova "Colors of the sun"