"20 years later"
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с 2 по 18 Ноября
Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

The exhibition “20 years later” is the result of twenty years of work and a creative search for artists, graduates of the 1998 Tarusa Art College.
Vlas Boyko, Irina Diaghileva, Artem Lazarev, Sergey and Nadezhda Orlov, Aleksey Popov, Albina Skripnikova are like-minded artists, separated by space, but retaining a close friendly, cultural and ideological connection. The commonality of their goals, aimed at searching for spiritual sources and referring to the origin of Russian national culture, found its expression in the individual style of each master, using various artistic techniques and techniques.
The exposition space of the exhibition presents term papers by artists from the time of study at the school, as well as works that were created after graduation, for twenty years, to this day. The techniques are completely different: this is art painting on wood, batik, patchwork, plastic art, paintings, prefabricated panels from various varieties of wood, a unique technique of engraving on birch bark.
Everything has its beginning, its source. For artists represented at the exhibition, this is the Tarusa School of Industrial Art. And let the school now lose its artistic orientation, the connection of time and generation has not been lost! Yesterday’s students continue to communicate and become interested in each other’s creativity. Keep in touch with teachers who set the vector for future life in the art world. Having received an art and pedagogical education, the students became masters and each found his own face, his own path.
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