April 18 - May 6, 2012 Photo Club M-35. Group exhibition of art photography "In Reflection"
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The M-35 Photo Club is a young association of photo artists founded at the Kashirka Exhibition Hall. The main activity of the club is thematic group photo exhibitions.

Oleg Svirsky. By the sea. From the series “Greece. After the rain"
The photo club also holds creative meetings, lectures, theoretical and practical master classes for exhibitors and guests. At the meetings of the association, participants discuss photo works, share experiences and “professional secrets”.
The participants of the photo club are both professionals with extensive experience behind them, as well as amateur photographers. Each has a special approach to shooting, its own theme, its own style. But all participants - of different ages, working in different genres - are united by a desire for excellence and a love of photography.
The group exhibition “In Reflection” is dedicated to the bizarre refractions of reality in mirror surfaces. Reflection, at first glance, is such a natural and mundane phenomenon that we do not even think about its existence. Photographers with their special understanding of the surrounding reality reveal a different world in reflective surfaces.
Oleg Svirsky brought his work from Greece; in his series Corfu Island. After the rain ”- reflections nourished by the sparkling sun.
Alexander Samsonov’s favorite genre is landscape. A photographer in love with the nature of his homeland presented pictures of reflections of nature in the water surface of lakes and rivers from different parts of Russia.
Tatyana Likhareva’s works are reflections in the mirror surfaces of buildings with bizarre shapes and beautiful curves.
Andrei Lisichkin presented a philosophical series of works “Reflections in the Mind”. Unusual works: “Paranoia”, “Allegory”, etc. - the result of the author’s rethinking of the outside world - make you look at reality from a different angle.
Photos of other participants are no less original. In the windows, display cases, polished metal and other shiny surfaces, the game of their imagination found fantastic images.
st. Akademika Millionshchikova, d.35, building 5
tel. 8-499-612-95-17, 8-499-612-11-61
e-mail: nakashirke@mail.ru