Why does the signal on the TV disappear?
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Have you suddenly discovered that you have no signal on your TV and you can’t watch your favorite shows and movies? Unfortunately, this problem occurs quite often and many people, when faced with it, begin to panic, trying to figure out what’s wrong. Today we want to tell you about the most common reasons for the loss of a television signal, and we will explain why troubleshooting is best left to the service center specialists. So let’s get started!

Bad weather conditions
Hurricane winds, thunderstorms and snowfalls can significantly affect the quality of both digital and analogue television broadcasting. In the best case, the signal simply deteriorates and small ripples, “snowflakes” and other unpleasant interference appear on the screen. In the worst case scenario, if wind or hail damages the cable, the image disappears completely - only an experienced technician can repair such damage.
Engineering works
Planned technical work carried out by the provider also often leads to the loss of the television signal. As a rule, in this case the signal disappears only on a few channels and only in exceptional cases on all.
No payment for TV
Oddly enough, many users, faced with a lack of signal on their TV, begin to blame the service provider, completely forgetting that they needed to pay for the service. As a result, the provider disconnects the user from television broadcasting, which leads to the loss of channels.
Antenna problems
If your TV receives a signal from a regular indoor antenna, then damage or placement in the wrong place can easily cause loss of the TV signal. Also, sometimes image and sound may be present, but they are broadcast in very poor quality. Service center specialists recommend: if you are 100% sure that the antenna is working, try wearing it
around the room - there is a high probability that the signal will be better elsewhere.
Solar interference
This problem is faced exclusively by satellite television subscribers. In this situation, nothing needs to be done; solar interference does not last long and is eliminated on its own.
Cable damage
Physical damage to the cable is one of the most common causes of TV signal loss for cable TV subscribers. To fix it, it is best to call a technician from the service center, who will quickly replace the damaged cable section with a new one.
Incorrect TV settings
Many inexperienced users do not know how to properly search for channels and, if there is no TV signal, immediately begin to blame their provider. In fact, it’s enough just to run the autosearch program and the problem will be fixed.
Poor physical contact between TV and cable

A poorly connected cable to the TV jack may well cause signal loss or interference. It would also be a good idea to check the quality of the connection between the cord and the cable television box - it happens that in a hurry, technicians do not fully insert the cable into the main connector.
Electromagnetic interference
The occurrence of various electromagnetic interference can easily lead to the loss of a television signal - as a rule, such interference is created by working microwave ovens, power lines laid in walls, etc.
It is best to entrust setting up a high-quality signal on your TV to professionals from the service center - they will quickly find the cause of the problem and fix it right on the day you call.