Bar quizzes
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Bar quizzes are team intellectual battles that are held in bars in the evenings. Here’s what you need to know about this game:
- Teams consist of 2 to 8 people.
- The game lasts about 2 hours.
- The game has 51 questions on logic and erudition.
- Cost – from 500 rubles per participant.

How the game is played:
- From 20 to 40 teams compete in one game.
- The questions are read out by the presenter and displayed on the screens.
- Teams write their answers on sheets and turn them in at the end of each round.
- No preparation is required and anyone can take part.
On the Squiz website you can find detailed answers to common questions about quizzes: about difficulty, preparation, food during the game, payment, what to do if you don’t have a team, and whether children can participate; there is also a schedule of quizzes in Moscow .
Question topics in bar quizzes can be varied and cover different areas of knowledge to make the game interesting and exciting for a wide audience. Typically questions can be on the following topics:
- General knowledge and facts
- History and culture
- Arts and literature
- Film and television
- Music
- Science and technology
- Geography
- Sport
- Popular culture and media
- Solving puzzles and logic problems
Quizzes are designed to test knowledge and logical thinking, so questions can range from simple to complex to provide participants with a challenge and the opportunity to learn something new.
The bar quiz format usually consists of the following steps and principles:
Formation of teams : Participants are assembled into teams, which can consist of 2-8 people, depending on the rules of the specific quiz.
Welcome and explanation of rules : The host welcomes the participants, explains the rules of the game, the format of questions and the order of answers.
Game process : – Reading questions : The presenter reads out questions, which can also be duplicated on the screens in the bar for convenience. – Discussion and recording of answers : Teams discuss among themselves possible answers to questions and write them down on special forms. – Collection of forms : At the end of a round or the entire game, answer sheets are collected for verification.
Evaluation of answers and summing up : The presenter or jury checks the teams’ answers, calculates the points scored and determines the winners.
Awards : Winning teams usually receive prizes, which may be provided by the quiz organizers or the bar.
The game can last several rounds, with each round dedicated to a specific topic or type of question. The quiz does not require any prior preparation and anyone can join. This makes bar quizzes a popular entertainment that promotes team spirit, erudition and logical thinking.
The frequency of bar quizzes may depend on the specific bar or organizers. Some establishments organize them weekly to attract visitors and create a certain tradition. Others may host quizzes bi-weekly or monthly. Others do it less regularly, organizing themed nights for special occasions such as Halloween or Christmas.