Getting views on a Telegram channel is easier than it seems Automatic translate
And this is not because control systems suddenly began to ignore such cases. It’s just that a variety of services have appeared where you can solve a problem for a certain amount, such as It all depends on the amount of work. Many users prefer to use them rather than raise the indicator themselves, which is what the account requires. Although there is another method available - free, and more than one. Which one to use is up to the channel owner to decide.
Free increase in views in the Telegram channel
This need arises for those who are just starting to develop, because everyone who looks at the channel is interested in how many people there are and whether the subscribers are active. If publications have hundreds of views, and the audience is at least 2000, then many stay to study more closely what is so interesting that attracted others. And, of course, advertising, because orders begin to arrive if at least 5,000 subscribers are attracted, but you can also find less demanding advertisers.
If you want each new post to get as many views as possible, you should first try the free method:
- ask friends for views;
- create different accounts yourself and view material from them;
- offer mutual exchange in active TG chats so that people watch your posts, and you watch theirs;
- post links on social networks.
You can also gain views on Telegram through a special service where you complete tasks in exchange for points, and then spend them by buying views for yourself. But at this rate it’s still impossible to collect many views, especially in a short time, if you need a solid indicator, then you can’t do it without expenses.
Paid promotion of views in TG (Telegram): degree of risk
The first thing to consider is user engagement, if the ERR is too high, for example, 500,000 people read each of your posts, this will raise suspicions. It needs to be distributed wisely. Special services (including do not disclose their secrets, but it is known that they provide views from both bots and real people. The second option is preferable, because it is possible that they may become really interested in your content and visit the channel on their own decision.
But first, it’s worth taking into account the advice of experienced people on how to properly buy Telegram views:
- purchase only in your own country; frequent visits from other countries may look suspicious;
- distribute the promotion evenly, without jumps; if one day posts get 200-300 views, and the next - a couple of thousand in an hour, this is alarming;
- maintain a balance of natural and purchased views.
Telegram analysts clearly monitor all suspicious spikes and promotions, send warnings to owners, and advertisers always study the statistics. So, if you are planning to buy views in Telegram on , carefully weigh and calculate all the options so that the promotion is unnoticeable. And, of course, pay attention to the content, attracting more real visitors.
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