Portal to the world of high profitability
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Maximum and accurate information to make the right choice
Whether we like it or not, money plays a big role in our lives. Their quantity is measured not only by how much we earn and spend, but also by how we manage them. Fortunately, the Internet has made all financial transactions accessible: on the smartphone screen we can open a deposit in one second and transfer money, request a loan or apply for a loan. Everything, as they say, is in our hands. But it is important not to make mistakes: quickly monitor profitable offers, find the most convenient options. The Finansim portal is designed to help with this .
At Finansim.ru you can find a comprehensive information in four sections:
- deposits,
- loans,
- cards,
- loans.
Not only are hundreds of current offers from legally operating financial organizations presented, but also original analytical materials on almost every product have been published: advantages and possible risks are indicated, and tips have been given.

The portal offers a convenient online service for selecting financial products. You indicate the conditions that are important to you, for example, the amount, term, interest rate - and get a selection. The more filters you specify when searching, the more accurate the result will be.
You will be able to study reference and analytical materials about the selected products, and if you are satisfied with everything, you can immediately go to the credit institution’s website and receive the service.
Next, let’s look at the advice that Finanim portal experts most often give in their publications about deposits, loans, cards. This information will really come in handy.
Deposits: a high rate is not really the main indicator
When choosing a deposit, we usually pay attention only to the interest rate. But this can lead to serious mistakes.
Firstly, with a high rate, strict restrictions are usually imposed: you cannot replenish the deposit or withdraw part of the funds. And most importantly, the deposit term is expected to be long: 3-5 years. If the money is needed earlier and you withdraw the deposit, the interest rate will be recalculated to tenths of a percent.
Secondly, a high rate may be purely a marketing ploy. For example, some banks advertise a yield of 11-12%, but in reality it turns out that this parameter is relevant only for part of the term, and the average rate will be normal or even lower than the market rate.
Also, sometimes in order to receive a high rate it is necessary to fulfill some additional conditions: take out insurance, or make a certain number of purchases with the card.
Loans: interest-free period a myth?
Everyone wants to use borrowed money and not pay interest: they took out one hundred thousand at the right time, and returned the same amount over time.
Looking at the advertising brochures of banks, it seems that this is quite achievable: they report a long interest-free period and the possibility of obtaining not a loan, but an installment plan. But what good does this do for banks? We recommend that you carefully read the terms of the contract. Most likely, instead of interest, you will have to pay for service - the name has changed, but the essence remains the same.
Cards: where cashback is more profitable
The debit cards we use today instead of a wallet would seem to be no different. Well, why not choose them by design? However, there are important nuances:
- some banks charge interest on the balance,
- pay attention to the cost of card servicing: ideally you should not pay for anything,
- Availability of ATMs is important; from time to time you will need to withdraw cash.
Banks also attract customers with cashback. Be careful: not only the return percentage is important, but also the method. Some don’t award rubles, but bonuses that can only be spent in certain stores. Strive to find high cashback in rubles. Sometimes banks offer to select purchase categories where there will be a high percentage of returns. For example, if you drive a lot, look for increased cashback at gas stations; if you are a caring parent, you will benefit from bonuses from children’s stores.