What types of vision tests are there? Automatic translate
An eye test can detect farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. During the examination, the initial stages of disease development are determined, and the condition of the fundus and retina is determined. Experts use various vision testing techniques.
Sequence of performing a vision test
High-quality vision diagnostics is carried out subject to certain sequential actions. First, the ophthalmologist asks questions about complaints and the time of their appearance, the development of unpleasant sensations.
The presence of concomitant diseases and disorders in the body is clarified. Vision can be affected by endocrine, autoimmune and infectious diseases. External environmental factors and large visual loads are also important.
After a thorough conversation, a full investigation is carried out. The condition of the eyes and existing disorders are consistently determined. The specialist provides recommendations on treatment tactics. With earlier treatment, you can get a better result after completion of therapy. At the same time, the procedures will not be the most complex, but can be easily performed at home. In the final stages, it is often impossible to do without surgical intervention.
The following types of diagnostics are distinguished:
- Visual acuity. Not only the classical method is used, but also a computer technique. The classic version involves reading according to Sivtsev’s table while maintaining a distance of at least 5 meters. Computer diagnostics are carried out using a special device - an autorefractometer. The strength of the corneal curvature is checked and a refractive study is performed.
- Intraocular pressure measurement or tonometry. Glaucoma is identified, including the stage and extent of damage. Tonometers are used to detect reverse resistance in the cornea. The research becomes truly precise.
- Keratotopography. The scan is performed with a laser beam to fully assess the sphericity of the cornea. The procedure allows you to select orthokeratology lenses that correct your vision.
- Biomicroscopy of the eye. This is a thorough fundus examination. A slit lamp is used to examine each part of the eye. The head is fixed using a comfortable stand, and the examination is carried out with a microscope. This is how pathologies of the cornea and neoplasms in blood vessels are detected.
- Detection of astigmatism. The ophthalmologist performs testing using the “radiant figure” method. If, when looking at the image, the patient sees rays that are darker or thicker than neighboring ones, an additional detailed check is carried out.
Vision tests allow us to identify diseases at various stages and determine the degree of myopia or farsightedness. Various equipment is used to accurately determine the condition of the eyes. Ensures correct diagnostic test sequence.