9 tips for grilling in winter
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Without a doubt, there are differences in the operation of the grill in warm and cold weather, but they are not so significant as to refuse juicy and flavorful grilled meat for several months.
Many people are sure that autumn slush and winter cold are not very suitable for a pleasant time near the grill. However, practice proves the opposite. Outdoor grills are an all-season method of cooking, so don’t rush to hide your barbecue equipment in the pantry when fall arrives.
Without a doubt, there are differences in the operation of the grill in warm and cold weather, but they are not so significant as to refuse juicy and flavorful grilled meat for several months. You just need to take into account some of the features of the season and prepare for it in advance.
Here are some recommendations for this:
- choose your grill location wisely
Install the equipment in a place where you will be maximally protected from the piercing cold wind, and, if possible, from unpleasant winter precipitation. Thoroughly clean the selected area, as well as the approach paths to the house, from snow and ice. This will allow you to move calmly without the danger of slipping and falling. Save yourself from an icy snow shower by shaking off the snow from all nearby trees and bushes in advance.
- arrange good lighting
In winter, daylight is very short, so you need to take care of comfortable cooking after it gets dark. Of course, it is best to organize a place under a pole with a lantern, but if this is not possible, install portable lighting fixtures. As a last resort, purchase headlamps that will allow you not to miss the moment of the formation of a delicate golden crust on the food. However, if you have a premium grill, then there is nothing to worry about. These grills have built-in lights that illuminate the work area and control knobs.
- Check the equipment carefully before use
Keep the grill free of dust if stored indoors or snow and ice if stored outdoors. It is strictly not recommended to light an icy grill. Pay special attention to the outdoor gas grill. Inspect the hoses for cracks and make sure there are no gas leaks through the connections.
- stock up on quality fuel
Fuel is one of the main elements that directly affects the taste and quality of cooked food. Remember that fuel consumption in winter is much higher, so you will use at least one and a half times more firewood, coal or gas. If your grill runs on gas, be sure to have a spare tank on hand. After all, if coal is sold in any nearby supermarket, then the nearest gas station may be more than a dozen kilometers away. Another important point is that grilling fuel is best stored in a dry, warm room. This is especially true for coal and gas. Coal easily absorbs moisture and then burns poorly, but in a cylinder stored in the cold, the gas simply freezes.
- Maintain the heat of the grill as much as possible
First, keep in mind that in cold weather it will take much longer for the grill to reach operating temperature. Secondly, you must understand that each time you open the lid to check the degree of readiness of the product, heat will escape from the grill and the cooking time will increase significantly. To solve this problem, equip your grill with temperature control devices so you don’t have to constantly look under the lid. And to create an additional barrier to heat, you can line the inner surface of the grill with several layers of thick foil. And one more tip - in order not to increase the cooking time in winter, protect it from premature cooling and take it out of the house immediately before placing it on the grill grate.
- choose the right clothes
Since you will have to spend more than one hour on the cold street, it is very important to dress warmly so as not to freeze. But that’s not all, clothes should be as light and comfortable as possible, because not only your comfort, but also your safety will depend on this. Don’t forget that you will always be close to the source of fire, which means we try not to wear bulky clothes, get rid of any hanging items of clothing, and wear a scarf under the jacket. And instead of ordinary flammable gloves, we purchase special heat-resistant ones for grilling, which will protect you from burns.
- use quick recipes
Since in winter it is much more difficult to get the grill up to the required temperature and then keep it warm, choose dishes that require the shortest possible cooking time. These can be steaks, cutlets, chicken wings, vegetables, fish and other fast-cooking foods, formed in small portions. Avoid large cuts of meat, hams and poultry unless your grill has a low&slow function and is equipped with a wireless thermometer that allows you to monitor the cooking process remotely from home.
- organize proper grill storage
When finished cooking, clean the grill thoroughly. It is advisable to do this before it cools. This makes it easier to catch grease and food debris before they freeze to metal surfaces. After cleaning the work surfaces and ash pan, store the grill, preferably in a warm and dry room. If this is not possible, do not leave the grill unprotected in the open air; cover it with a rubberized cover.
- follow safety precautions
This is true at any time of the year. Never use the grill in an enclosed space unless it has power ventilation. This can lead to the accumulation of harmful substances and poisoning. In addition, using an open fire indoors risks causing it to catch fire. Handle the gas carefully and do not touch the surface of the grill with bare hands while it is operating.
We hope that our tips were useful and your grill will not be bored idle in a dusty closet this winter.