What is the Hydrafacial procedure for?
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How to quickly refresh your appearance and radiance of your skin? Podruzhki network clinics have an effective solution! Our list of services includes an absolutely magical procedure - vacuum hydropeeling for the face Hydrafacial. In this article we will tell you more about the procedure.

What is this procedure?
Hydrafacial has long gained trust and is popular among our clients.
The hydrafashel procedure is a comprehensive care and in one session gives the skin: deep cleansing, active hydration and nutrition.
Hydropeeling is recommended for clients over the age of 18, with any skin type and at any time of the year.
The vacuum hydropeeling machine can carry out 6 individual programs, tailored to the needs and natural characteristics of the skin:
- Basic cleaning;
- Treatment of problem skin;
- Treatment of pigmentation;
- Hollywood appreciated;
- Before going out;
- Revolutionary rejuvenation.
Each program is based on basic cleansing and additional stages (lifting, getting rid of pigmentation and acne).
How does vacuum hydropeeling work?
The Hydrafacial hardware procedure always begins with a consultation with a cosmetologist and cleansing the skin of makeup. Next, the specialist uses a vacuum nozzle to remove impurities from the pores, and also cleanses the surface and deep layers of the skin from impurities. Afterwards, active serums are supplied through the same nozzle.
Basic Hydrafacial cleansing
Procedure steps:
- Makeup removal (the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the skin);
- Exfoliation (cleansing the skin of dead cells);
- Extraction (deep cleansing and vacuum cleansing of pores);
- Moisturizing the skin with active serum;
- Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
- Applying protective cream.
Hollywood appreciated
Procedure steps:
- Makeup remover;
- Exfoliation;
- Exposure to acid peeling (7.5%);
- Extraction;
- Moisturizing the skin with active serum;
- Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
- Applying protective cream.
Before going out
Procedure steps:
- Makeup remover;
- Diamond grinding;
- Exfoliation;
- Extraction;
- Moisturizing the skin with active serum;
- Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
- Applying protective cream.
Treatment of problem skin
Procedure steps:
- Makeup remover;
- Diamond grinding;
- Exfoliation;
- Exposure to acid peeling (15%);
- Extraction and mechanical cleaning;
- Moisturizing the skin with active serum;
- Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
- Applying protective cream.
Treatment of pigmentation
Procedure steps:
- Makeup remover;
- Diamond grinding;
- Exfoliation;
- Exposure to acid peeling (15/30%);
- Extraction;
- Moisturizing the skin with active serum;
- Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
- Applying protective cream.
Revolutionary rejuvenation
Procedure steps:
- Makeup remover;
- Diamond grinding;
- Exfoliation;
- Exposure to acid peeling (30%);
- Extraction;
- Moisturizing the skin with active serum;
- Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;
- Applying protective cream.

Benefits of Hydrafacial
Vacuum hydropeeling hydrafashl has several advantages:
- the result is noticeable immediately after 1 procedure;
- you will put your appearance in order in a short time;
- the procedure is absolutely safe: only disposable attachments are used, and the force of impact is adjusted individually;
- the procedure is as comfortable as possible and takes place without damaging the epidermis;
- suitable for any skin type;
- all-season procedure;
- without a rehabilitation period.
Find out what the effect is on the skin after the Hydrafacial procedure and how much it costs in the Podruzhki network of clinics on our website.