Construction and technical expertise to identify foundation defects
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Failure to comply with the technological requirements of state and industrial standards when laying the foundation causes its destruction or other damage that makes further stages of construction impossible or dangerous. All possible defects and damage can be detected if you order a construction examination of the foundation. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations by repairing and eliminating deficiencies caused by non-compliance with the requirements of standards and rules.
Consequences of errors when laying soil bases and foundations
Each individual failure to comply with building codes and regulations causes deformation of the foundation or subsoil. This must be taken into account both during the construction process and in the process of identifying such errors. Upon examination, 4 degrees of base deformation are distinguished:
- caused by the presence of cracks and a decrease in load-bearing characteristics - minimal;
- in the presence of obvious distortions, large cracks - medium
- with an angle of inclination noticeable to the naked eye that does not meet operational requirements - catastrophic;
- a decrease in the bearing capacity of the foundation compared to the established characteristics by more than 1/3 is irreparable.
The most common defects in foundations and soil foundations - minimal and medium deformation - can appear both during the construction of a house and as part of normal operation. They include:
- subsidence of the building, the spread of cracks on the walls;
- various defects of the external surface - chips;
- cracks - vertical and oblique;
- self-destruction of the building’s masonry with the loss of individual blocks;
- displacement of piles compared to design documentation;
- the appearance of dampness, mortar stains, bulging, sagging, and cracks at the joints;
- release of dampness, efflorescence, stains from the foundation body, deformation of straight sections inward or outward, destruction of corner joints;
- corrosion of reinforcing materials.
Defects spread along the inner surface and along the outer contour of the foundation and can be focal or widespread.
How to identify foundation defects
Damage that requires urgent response to the foundation is visible to the naked eye. However, in order to competently and timely respond to emerging dangers and threats to life and health, you need to pay attention to such phenomena as:
- subsidence, “going underground” of the foundation of the house;
- dampness in the basement, mold in corners and on slabs;
- distortions of door jambs, window frames, built-in cabinets (this may also indicate dampness that has made its way into the house);
- destruction and chips on the side edges of the foundation;
- weakening and destruction of masonry;
- visual change in soil (structure, color, moisture content and other parameters that may change).
The foundation can be repaired in any case, even if this requires raising the structure above the ground to replace decayed elements. However, this is very expensive even for municipalities renovating historic buildings. It is much cheaper to carefully monitor the foundation and resort to repairing it in a timely manner.
NEP company will help you
Our specialists will inspect the foundation and find all possible defects and give recommendations on how to eliminate the damage. We guarantee optimal price-quality ratio.
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