Self-preparation for the OGE in the Russian language - without costs and with high results
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Grammar, syntax, spelling and morphology are often difficult for students. However, in order to pass the final test well, you need to overcome all the difficulties. This can be done in different ways.
How to help yourself pass the exam successfully
Some decide to shift responsibility to experienced assistants and hire tutors. But more and more graduates decide to use the Russian language class 9 in the process of their preparation in order to achieve high results at their own pace, without overpaying. As practice and analysis of final scores show, this method is effective and gaining increasing popularity. By choosing the optimal set of literature and using the Russian language textbook for grade 9 , after a short time, students and their teachers will be able to see significant progress in their knowledge.
Everyone develops the procedure for using the resource themselves. It will depend on the amount of time that the teenager can and has decided to spend on work, as well as on the initial level of knowledge and the planned result that he seeks to obtain.
The procedure and features of working with the resource
Many ninth-graders have previously used answers to the Russian language grade 9 in one way or another, for example, so as not to risk their grade on a test survey. Or to compare their own performance of an exercise with a standard one, to find an answer to a question or task that they cannot do on their own. During the pre-exam preparation period, you can use the following technology for working with site materials:
choose a number of teaching aids and workshops according to which you are supposed to repeat the program for grade 9, monitor your results;
determine the time of classes, dates and periods for monitoring achievements, identifying and correcting problems;
from time to time return to those sections and tasks that caused the greatest difficulties, evaluate your achievements and successes;
monitor dynamics and adjust the work plan.
As an optimal set for solving these problems, it is advisable to take not only textbooks and practical manuals for them, in which the subject is taught in the classroom. But also others, from other educational institutions, in order to maximize the level and depth of knowledge of the material. This will increase your chances of successfully passing the exam, and will also help you gain additional literacy, which will certainly be useful not only in your studies, but also in life. Eleventh graders can also use this plan to remember the course material for the 9th grade before the mandatory Unified State Exam in the Russian language, which they will have to take.
The uniqueness of the site also lies in the fact that here students in grades 2-11 can find answers to questions from all textbooks and workshops, regardless of the profile of the educational institution and the program in which the studies are conducted. The presence of such an extensive base of materials will also help those inquisitive students who want to know more and take an active part in school and extracurricular language olympiads, competitions, and other creative and scientific events in the subject.
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