Electric bike:
do you need it?
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What is the difference between an electric bicycle and a regular one? On a simple bicycle, you pedal yourself and the distance of your ride depends only on you. An electric bike uses an electric motor that is powered by a battery to provide extra power, which helps if you are tired or need to climb a steep hill. You can drive it from 30 to 70 km. The distance depends on the engine power and battery capacity. The rule is simple: the larger they are, the further you go.

Who is an electric bike suitable for?
It will help older people who like to ride, but heart problems do not allow them to do so. Regular trips on such a bike are cardio training in the fresh air. The attending physician will be surprised by your cardiogram. You will feel your youth returning. Imagine how you cheerfully climb a hill that you previously only climbed on foot with a bicycle in your hands. How dashingly you catch up with young cyclists who overtook you with a smile. How do you ride a bike to swim at a distant lake. And how surprised your friends are when you tell them about it.
An electric bike will be of interest to those who love traveling and participate in bike rides. It will allow you to travel long distances, which only well-prepared people can afford. Regardless of your fitness level, you will not lag behind the group on a bike ride. Imagine going with a group on a warm autumn day to see the outskirts of the city. You will see beautiful places and meet new interesting people.
It will also be useful for young people leading an active lifestyle. Today it is fashionable to ride a bicycle, and riding an electric one is also cool. Imagine that you arrived on a new electric bike to meet friends. Interested looks from girls and questions from curious guys await you. You will be the center of attention. Success is guaranteed for you.
The electric bike has the following features:
- It is heavy due to the heavy battery. It will be difficult to bring it to the 5th floor. But the weight does not affect the movement; you quickly get used to it. It gives you a feeling of confidence when moving.
- The battery should be charged immediately after a trip. It is recommended to monitor the charge level during long-term storage. It cannot be stored at temperatures below 0 C.
- You need to learn how to choose the speed of the electric motor when accelerating and stopping. A mistake may result in a fall or collision. Some models have a convenient mode for driving in crowded places: the bike moves slowly by itself.
If you decide to purchase an electric bike from the HUBE store catalog , do not forget to also buy a helmet. It will protect you from injury if you fall. Good luck on the roads