What is the nasolacrimal groove and what are the reasons for its correction?
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The nasolacrimal groove is a fold that is located at the border of the eyelid and cheek and begins at the inner corner of the eye. Its appearance leads to an aesthetic defect, because it clearly manifests itself in the under-eye area. It is almost impossible to hide it with any cosmetic products. Over time, it only becomes more noticeable.
The period of its appearance begins after reaching 35 years of age, because in young people the skin has natural elasticity, high hydration and firmness. At this age, hyaluronic acid reserves are sufficient to retain moisture and maintain skin smoothness. After a certain time, wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial folds and a nasolacrimal groove begin to appear. Correction of the nasolacrimal groove is intended to eliminate this cosmetic defect.
Sometimes its formation is associated not only with the age factor, but also with the lifestyle that a person leads, his state of health and the characteristics of his facial structure.
Causes of defect formation
With age, or under the influence of other factors, the septal ligaments begin to lengthen and stretch. This contributes to the formation of characteristic depressions under the eyes and sagging tissue. These fabrics lose their elastic properties and firmness, leading to the formation of various types of folds on the face. One of these consequences is the nasolacrimal groove.
Among other factors and reasons for its occurrence, the following can be identified:
- structural features of the face that contribute to the early appearance of the nasolacrimal groove;
- lack of fatty tissue under the skin around the eyes;
- lack of rest and constant lack of sleep;
- Unhealthy Lifestyle;
- dysfunction of the endocrine system;
- development of chronic diseases of the kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and heart;
- age-related changes in skin structure.
Consequences of the formation of a nasolacrimal trough
First of all, this defect introduces disharmony into the aesthetic appearance of a person, and especially a woman. It distorts facial features. It takes on a painful and tired appearance, making a person visually older than his age.
It is also worth noting that the appearance of the furrow may worsen over time. Over the years, it will turn into a pronounced fold, which can only be removed surgically. If the appearance of this defect has been noticed, it is recommended to consult a specialist before only plastic surgery can correct it.
Methods for eliminating furrows and features of the procedure
The most common method of eliminating this skin defect is the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. In this case, an individual program is prescribed for each patient, depending on factors such as skin condition, the nature of the problem and some others. Fillers are injected into the problem area and provide a positive effect that lasts quite a long time.