How to choose an inflatable pool for your garden
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It’s hard to imagine summer without swimming. But, unfortunately, the water in local reservoirs leaves much to be desired. But don’t be upset. After all, you can install an inflatable pool on your summer cottage. Their choice is very wide, and the prices for inflatable pools (for example in the Intexregion store) are quite reasonable. Now you will find out what to pay attention to when choosing.

What are inflatable pools made of?
In the production of inflatable pools, multilayer polyvinyl chloride film is used. This is a fairly durable and non-toxic material, resistant to stretching and ultraviolet rays. Such pools are convenient to store and can be moved without problems if necessary. To make larger pools, vinyl (2 layers) and polyester are used.
Types of inflatable pools
According to the type of construction, inflatable pools are divided into several types:
- Pools with a fully inflatable frame. In most cases, these are children’s pools, the walls of which are made of inflatable rings. Some children’s models have an inflatable bottom.
- Self-leveling pools. They are equipped with only one inflatable ring located on the top of the pool. As the pool fills with water, the ring begins to rise, holding the structure. They are oval, round and rectangular in shape. Round-shaped pools are considered the most optimal option, since it is the round shape that can ensure uniform distribution of water pressure on the walls of the pool. And besides, they take up less space.
What size pool to choose for your cottage?
When choosing a pool, you should consider the age and number of family members.
- If you are buying a pool for a child under 1.5 years old, the best option would be pools with side heights of no more than 0.22 meters.
- For a child under the age of 1.5 years, we choose models with a height not exceeding 170 mm.
- For children from 1.5 to 3 years old, the height of the pool should not exceed 500 mm.
- For children under 7 years old, swimming pools with a height of 700 mm are suitable.
- For children from 7 to 12 years old, we choose swimming pools with side heights of no more than 1070 mm.
- For teenagers and adults, you can choose pools with side heights of 1 meter or more. Large models usually include a ladder, and it is also possible to connect a pump. Depending on the model, in addition to the ladder, the kit may include flooring, an awning, a filter and other equipment.
Advantages of inflatable pools
- Installing an inflatable pool will not be any problem. This work can be done alone. It is enough to prepare the place, inflate the pool and fill it with water. It doesn’t take long.
- The pool can be moved to another location if necessary. Of course it must be empty.
- Taking into account the fact that inflatable pools have a small capacity, the water in them warms up much faster.
- There will be no problems with storing and transporting even a large pool, since when deflated it does not take up much space.
- There is plenty to choose from - inflatable pools are available in a wide range of colors and also have different shapes.
- Affordable price unlike other types of pools.
Disadvantages of inflatable pools
- Even though the pools are made of several layers of material, it can be punctured very easily. In addition, if there are cats and dogs in the country, they can also pierce it with their claws or teeth.
- Problems with water replacement. Ideally, it is advisable to change the water daily, as it quickly becomes dirty. And here many people are faced with the question: where to drain so much water? After all, if you drain a large amount of water every day, you can flood all the plants.
- Filling a large swimming pool will take a long time.
What to take care of before buying a pool
Before you buy a pool, you need to decide where it will be installed.
This should be an unshaded area, located away from trees, so that their leaves do not fall into the water. Also, the area for the pool needs preparation. The site must be level without a slope. We remove all stones, branches and other debris.
Many models come with a special mat. If it is not included in the kit, it can be purchased separately. Or you can lay thick fabric under the pool. Now all that remains is to inflate the pool and fill it with water. Please note that it is very important not to overinflate the inflatable pool, as the ring may burst in the sun.
Features of storing inflatable pools
At the end of the summer season, we drain the water from the pool and completely bleed the air out of it. We thoroughly wash it with a brush, dry it and carefully pack it in a case.