Advantages of studying with Sergei Khokhlov:
student reviews on the quality of education in the field of relationships
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Every person dreams of being happy and successful, but not everyone is ready to take a step towards changes in life. However, there are people who made a choice and were trained by Sergei Khokhlov. Reviews about his method vary. Someone claims that they have already noticed positive changes in their lives and have begun to look at relationships in a couple in a completely different way. Other reviews about psychologist Sergei Khokhlov say the opposite. Therefore, we decided to independently figure out who Sergei Khokhlov is, what he teaches, and how true the reviews are.
Expert profile: Sergey Khokhlov and his teaching principles
Sergey Khokhlov is a coach, psychologist, and expert in the field of family relationships with 15 years of experience. He wrote several books, which also received a lot of positive reviews. As Khokhlov’s students admit in their reviews, his trainings touch on the most pressing issues in relationships. More than 700 thousand women have taken paid and free expert courses (just imagine!).
Sergey Khokhlov runs his own Youtube channel, where he shares his own experience and gives advice on how to make a couple’s relationship happy. In addition to family relationships, Sergey gives practical advice in the field of entrepreneurship, since business coaching is one of his areas of professional activity. Khokhlov also helps to qualitatively transform a personality in his transformational coaching sessions. The reviews are positive.
The main teaching principle that Sergei Khokhlov adheres to is that every person has the right to a happy life and to achieve success in the personal and professional sphere. “To Love and Be Loved” is the flagship course of Sergei Khokhlov’s school, which has collected hundreds of rave reviews. This will be discussed further.
We would like to immediately ask the author of the course: how quickly will the effect of the training be noticeable? When does a student feel ready for a change in life? We understand that in such complex issues as relationships and personal transformation, there are no absolutely identical results. But maybe there are some average indicators?
We have questionnaires at the start and finish of training, where we ask students to rate the degree of satisfaction with their relationship with a man, the level of self-esteem, the degree of satisfaction with life in general, etc. And if at the start of training the average score of all students is 3-4 on a ten-point scale scale, then at the end of training – the average for all parameters is 7 points and above. That is, changes for the better occur in everyone over the 8 weeks of the program, this can be seen from the reviews.
But many students get results already during school from the first weeks of study: they improve relationships with loved ones, receive compliments, attention from men, expensive gifts, increase their income, get out of unhappy relationships, and create new ones. There are especially many such changes after the 2nd week of training, since in the 2nd module powerful work is underway to clear the emotional blockages of the participants. The pain, resentment, envy, shame, and guilt accumulated over the years go away. And the new state brings new events, new people and results. So the improvement in the lives of program participants is noticed in the first weeks of training. But they do not end after the course, but on the contrary, the results only grow over time.
Sergey Khokhlov
How Sergei Khokhlov teaches to love and be loved
Let’s briefly look at the content and goals of each module of Sergei Khokhlov’s course. There are seven of them in total - six main and one additional.
- “A relationship in which he hears and understands you.” Students will understand how representatives of both sexes think, how responsibility is distributed between them in relationships. As a result, a woman learns to respect herself and her partner, put herself first and speak with a man as equals.
- "The state of a happy woman." In this module, Sergei Khokhlov gives as many as 40 practices that will allow you to free yourself from negativity and anger. Students understand what the parental matrix is and how it affects the life of a child, and what it means for an adult. As a result, a woman will learn to cope with negativity, free herself from the burden of guilt and be filled with self-love.
- “A man with whom you will 100% succeed.” Sergei Khokhlov analyzes the types of men who are completely unsuitable for living together. The parameters by which one can judge compatibility in a relationship are considered. Ladies will learn how to identify the ideal man for themselves and will be able to create the ideal image of a married woman, which is confirmed by reviews.
- “Relationships according to your rules, in which you feel good.” Sergey Khokhlov helps to work through destructive attitudes that prevent you from creating happy relationships. Detecting them and reflashing them will allow you to avoid mistakes that were made earlier in the future. Women will be able to love themselves again and find points of growth. According to reviews, this block helped many people determine their self-esteem and understand that someone else’s assessment is not so important in life.
- “The magic of female influence: how to inspire a man to become more successful.” If you read reviews about Sergei Khokhlov, then there is a lot of praise about this part of the training. This block allows you to understand how energy exchange works in a couple. The mistakes that both parties make, which subsequently lead to the death of the relationship, are sorted out. As a result, the students become real million-dollar ladies, and therefore boldly enter into an equal relationship with a million-dollar man. Sergey helps to understand the functions of intimacy, overcome barriers and accept your body. If you correctly apply the acquired knowledge in practice, you will be able to get what you want from a man - the reviews confirm it!
- “Life’s favorite: dreams come true easily.” Women learn to enter into the flow of luck and ease, and to adequately perceive the picture of the world.
- "A new level in couples." As the name implies, the block is dedicated to the principles of ideal, even divine relationships. Girls will learn to agree on goals as a couple, move together with their partner towards a common goal and prosper.
The course by Sergei Khokhlov is designed for women who:
- have not yet found love, are facing failures in relationships;
- divorced, tired and disappointed, but not afraid of new relationships, want to change their behavior pattern so as not to fail again;
- are in a relationship, but are not satisfied, they want to follow their husband, and not lead;
- cannot find a balance between personal life and career, such discord is transferred to relationships with men;
- tired of toxic relationships, don’t know what to do - break up or endure further.
But the most interesting and promising category is women who are in excellent relationships, but want to develop them so that a moment of stagnation does not occur.
Based on information from reviews, Sergey Khokhlov helped many get rid of stress, anxiety, find self-love, increase self-esteem and improve relationships in couples. Some met “the one” and even managed to get married, which was also reported in the reviews.
Some review authors want changes, but are skeptical about Sergei Khokhlov. How to overcome the barrier for women who do not believe in such training, strongly doubt the rationality of purchasing a course, but want to change their life and attitude towards it? And is it even worth doing this?
To get out of a hole, you need, firstly, to admit that you are in a hole, and secondly, to stop digging so as not to fall even deeper. If a woman is not satisfied with the results she has in life and wants changes for the better, for example, to save her marriage from divorce or create a happy relationship, she must admit that the actions she took before or, on the contrary, her inaction led her to that position, which she now has and which does not suit her. And if she herself tries to continue to change something or continues to do nothing, she will simply dig herself even deeper.
To change, she needs new knowledge, new tools, new actions, a new state and thinking. The fastest and most effective way to get them is through systematic training, which has already helped thousands of students (their reviews confirm this). But every woman has the right to choose for herself whether to use this opportunity or not. And before making this choice, it is important to ask yourself, what will happen to my life in 5-10 years if I don’t change anything in it now?
Sergey Khokhlov
The course offers two participation packages: “Princess” and “Queen”. They differ not only in cost, but also in the range of services provided. Regardless of the package chosen, each student will have access to lessons at a convenient time. Participants have access to a chat where they can discuss pressing topics with like-minded people, share reviews and impressions.
“Queens” receive additional materials that relate not only to relationships in couples, but also to business and self-development. If you believe the reviews, many people like the bonus lessons - they provide knowledge that can actually be implemented in everyday life.
The website states that training takes approximately 4-6 hours a week and 1-2 hours on weekends are spent on group discussions with mentors. We know that many students work, raise children, and do household chores. Does everyone manage to allocate the right amount of time to study and stay on schedule?
Already in the first module of the program there is a lesson about the priorities of a happy woman. He helps students prioritize their lives so they have no problem making time for their development. In addition, you can listen to recordings of lessons in transport, while walking with children, in the gym, or while doing household chores. Among the graduates of our courses are top managers, businesswomen, and mothers of many children. And they all managed to find time to complete lessons and practice. The main thing is the power of intention.
And don’t forget: only a happy mother can raise happy children. So, by devoting time to her development, a woman does good not only for herself, but also for all her loved ones.
Sergey Khokhlov
Reviews of Sergei Khokhlov’s courses: student opinions
Detailed review from Anna about training with Sergei Khokhlov:
Victoria’s review of Sergei Khokhlov and the results of his training. We recommend that you listen to this review: changes in life are impossible without work and a willingness to change.
In her review, Vera spoke about the transformation of her own personality after training with Sergei Khokhlov:
Feedback from a student who learned to enjoy life:
Let’s look at a few more reviews about Sergei Khokhlov’s courses:
Conclusions from reviews: strengths of Sergei Khokhlov’s courses and points for improvement
The main benefit of training is that a woman realizes when and what mistakes she made in the past, and accordingly, she will not “step on the same rake” in the future. According to reviews, after training, women begin to understand that people are not born with sexuality and attractiveness. These are learned skills that need to be developed throughout life. People are not born happy, they are made.
Many students are happy that it is convenient to study psychology at home, there is no clear schedule, and you can take lessons at a time convenient for you. The reviews also praise the technical side of the course - the video and audio are of good quality, the care service works and helps resolve any issues that arise.
The girls in the reviews highly praise the work of the mentors. By the way, these are curators who have already been trained by Sergei Khokhlov and achieved results. Do potential students have a chance to be among the mentors or has the staff already been recruited?
Everyone has a chance, the project is growing and we always need good performers. But, of course, we strictly select and train our Mentors. They can be girls with higher or additional psychological education, who have also successfully completed our Coaching training course. But all the Mentors are graduates of the School who have bright results after completing it. So the most successful graduates of the course have a chance to become one of the Mentors if they are ready to further undergo relevant training and develop professional skills in working with clients as a psychologist and Coach.
Sergey Khokhlov
Some of the reviews say that they would like more live communication with the author of the course. Someone dreams of offline meetings with Sergei Khokhlov as part of their training. As students admit in their reviews, such events further stimulate change, and thoughts of early termination of education do not even arise.
Final recommendations
Having analyzed the reviews and content of the “Loving and Being Loved” course from Sergei Khokhlov, we can recommend it. Even if at this stage the situation with your personal life is satisfactory, the program will be useful for overall development. Sergei Khokhlov’s course helps to increase self-esteem, improve relationships with others, and achieve career changes. But learning requires time, which is sorely lacking for modern people - it is important to understand this.
We liked the course program “Loving and being loved” from Sergei Khokhlov. Positive feedback confirms that the training has an effect. If you are not yet ready to pay for training, we recommend that you take a closer look at the free materials from Sergei Khokhlov - there are many of them in the public domain, and the reviews about them are also pleasant.
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