Children’s idols
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Each of us in childhood had a favorite character whom we admired and tried to copy his habits and manner of communication. But nothing attracts children’s attention like heroes with super powers. Similar hobbies are observed in all age categories, but the reasons for the desire to be like a book or cartoon character are significantly different.
Superhero is my favorite hero
The first attempts at inheritance beyond the capabilities are observed in children 3-5 years old, so DC super hero figures will be an excellent addition to the toy collection and will help the child to immerse himself in the world of fantasy as much as possible. Psychologists note that in addition to fictional heroes, children willingly take after their parents, putting them on the same level as Superman or Spider-Man.
The desire to imitate is inherent in all children. This fact is due to the mental characteristics of a small child who is unable to understand things that are commonplace for adults (death, serious illness). The consciousness of children is trying to protect themselves, and therefore attracts children’s attention to super heroes, who always survive and remain unharmed.
The next peak of interest occurs at the age of 10-11, the period when boys begin to actively engage in sports. The desire to protect, to save relatives from problems and adversity increases the subconscious craving for strong and invincible characters. Please note that superheroes strive for the triumph of justice and goodness. Children adopt these qualities, become more responsive, attentive, and try to provide all possible help to adults and friends.
If you can’t stop it, lead it!
Don’t be afraid of your child’s desire to imitate super heroes. Do the opposite:
- support him;
- Invite your child to play together - this will help you understand the reasons for children’s passion and strengthen the emotional connection.
- Invite your son/daughter to put away toys or make their bed, because only those with superpowers can do this task.
Playing games together helps build mutual trust. If you constantly say: “You can’t”, “You won’t succeed,” you will involuntarily create a feeling of your own powerlessness in your child. There should be a measure for everything, play up the situation, direct the child’s energy in the right direction. Don’t forbid your children to dream and set high goals, because no one knows how the world will change and what opportunities each of us will have tomorrow.