Bouquet for a young princess
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Children are considered the flowers of life, but who said that they themselves cannot be given flowers? Childhood is a wonderful time when every girl dreams of becoming a princess. Giving her a bouquet of flowers will make her feel special. The florists of the site will help you choose a flower arrangement for a young lady, taking into account her age and occasion, as well as your wishes.
When can you give flowers to a child?
If your beautiful daughter has a birthday coming up, it would be nice of you to give her not only the toy that she has long dreamed of, but also a small bouquet of flowers. The girl will feel that she is a real lady, and such moments will always remain in her memory as tender memories. Such a gesture on the part of her father will also allow her to learn to accept gifts and signs of attention.

When going to visit friends or relatives whose family has a daughter, do not forget to pick up flowers for her, so that the girl also feels like a part of the holiday and the future mistress of the house. A small bouquet will be an excellent addition to a birthday, kindergarten or elementary school graduation gift for a goddaughter, a friend’s daughter, or a young relative. If a child is involved in a creative club, and you are invited to a concert, bringing flowers or a small basket to the performance will allow the young talent to feel like a real star of the stage and inspire new achievements.
It is better to entrust the preparation of a bouquet as a gift for a young lady to professionals. Experienced florists will select plants taking into account the baby’s age, preferences, occasion and other factors. If this option is not available to you, when choosing flowers for your child, you must follow several rules:
- Practice moderation. The flower arrangement should not be bulky or voluminous. The princess can easily accept a small bouquet as a gift and hold it in her hands.
- Choose flowers without a strong aroma. Children react differently to floral scents; a strong smell can tire the baby, cause headaches or trigger allergies.
- Plants should be without thorns or thorns so that the child does not get hurt.
- Choose flora with petals of light or bright shades, dilute the colorful range with light inflorescences.
- Don’t focus on the price - the cost of a bouquet for a girl doesn’t matter at all; a child will like a assembled bouquet of different flowers more than expensive royal roses or exotic orchids.

Choosing a bouquet by age
Classic roses are not suitable for a very little girl; it is better to replace them with bush varieties with small buds. You should not choose plants with long stems - give preference to bush chrysanthemums, daisies, and cornflowers.
An excellent option is compositions in a basket or flower figurines, which can be supplemented with a soft toy or a sweet surprise. For a baby, you can give one large flower - a gerbera or a sunflower, so it will be easier for the child to focus on the gift.
For a young lady from elementary school, bouquets of peonies, lisianthus are made, and multi-colored gerberas are used. A teenage girl will love a bouquet of unusual shades.