Job interview
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It has long been noted that the impression of the first meeting lasts for a long time and outweighs the most convincing facts known about the person. Therefore, when going for an interview, follow a few simple rules that will help you win over both potential management and recruiters.

Before the interview, you need to get a good night’s sleep, you can even go to bed a little earlier than usual. Sunflower seeds are considered a proven remedy for improving night sleep: a couple of hours before bedtime, a tablespoon of peeled seeds is ground or mashed and added to food eaten for dinner.
When going for an interview, you should not eat food with a strong smell - garlic, onions or fish. Immediately before an interview, you should not have a large snack or drink several cups of coffee, since rich food relaxes you, and excess caffeine causes nervousness.
Before the interview, it will be useful to eat a carrot tonic salad: chop the carrots, add grated walnuts, sour cream or butter and a tablespoon of honey. Grapes or apples eaten shortly before an important event will help increase concentration. A good addition to your vitamin diet would be a sea buckthorn drink that will improve your well-being for the whole day: crush a tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries, add hot boiled water, let it brew for about 5 minutes and sweeten to taste.
The clothes you choose for an interview should not only be neat, but also comfortable. Even a great business suit won’t help you make a positive impression if it causes discomfort or stiffness in your movements. It is undesirable to go to an important event in clothes you have just bought, because you still need to get used to them, and slight nervousness will certainly make itself felt at the most crucial moment.
Severity in clothing does not at all imply a lack of individuality. Add some appropriate original detail to your suit: a brooch, cufflinks, tie clip, bracelet or watch of traditional proportions. You should avoid provocative items such as tight trousers or a short-sleeved shirt - after all, this is a business meeting, not a friendly one.
You need to plan your route so that you arrive at the appointed place 10-15 minutes before the start of the interview. It is important to have some time to get yourself in order, look around, relax or concentrate. It is advisable to immediately prepare a notepad and pen in order to give the impression of a collected, energetic person, ready to act immediately.
In order to mobilize the body’s emotional and physical resources, before an interview, it is recommended to rub your palms until a feeling of warmth appears - this movement not only charges the nervous system, but is also unconsciously associated with success. Massage your forearms in the same way, then knead your fingers and wrists. A huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the hands, the stimulation of which activates the brain.
At the very beginning of communication with employer representatives, you need to remember their names. Addressing people by name makes them more responsible about the words they say, makes it more difficult to hide important facts, and the interlocutor ceases to be unconsciously perceived as a “stranger.”
When talking about your work experience, you should avoid the plural: a certain collective “we” can confuse an employer who wants to know about the achievements of a specific person, not an organization. A negative impression is made by the applicant’s use of parasitic words in speech such as “as if,” “so to speak,” and “that’s the same.” You should also not drum your fingers on the table or briefcase, cross your arms over your chest, fiddle with the hem of your clothes, frequently adjust your hair, sit staring at one point, or shoot your eyes at surrounding objects.
It is advisable to formulate answers to predictable questions about the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses, the reasons for previous dismissals and plans for the future in advance, so that you can go to the interview with a protected rear. No matter how negative the work experience at your previous place, there is no need to criticize the previous manager or the unbearable working conditions too hard, since you can only understand and feel all this if you find yourself in the same circumstances. The pressure of emotions and attempts to turn a conversation between people you barely know into a confession can leave even the most loyal interviewer with the impression that the applicant will not be pleased. Much more benefit can be gained by asking a counter question: “Why was the position vacant?” This way you can learn about all aspects of your predecessor and what an ideal applicant for a vacancy should be like, from the employer’s point of view.
Being not only a good storyteller, but also an attentive listener is an important quality when hiring. Just don’t constantly assent and behave too servilely. Anyone who can patiently, with dignity, and without interrupting, listen to the opinions of others is highly valued in any team. It is recommended to postpone such important and inconvenient questions as salary or bonuses until the final part of the interview: it is quite possible that by that time they will have already lost their relevance.
When the interview is over, the applicant has several ways to find out what impression he made. First, you can directly ask the interviewer whether the applicant’s qualifications and experience correspond to the range of responsibilities provided for the vacant position. If an opinion has already been formed, then after a direct question the interviewer will most likely “split.” Don’t be upset by a negative answer: it will help you avoid vain expectations and actively continue your job search. Secondly, the applicant can ask the interviewer for permission to call after a while and find out about the fate of the vacancy. Of course, you can call without permission, but then you risk seeming intrusive.