Thread method of rejuvenation:
types of materials and advantages of modern techniques
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For many women, surgical methods of rejuvenation are contraindicated, which frighten them with pain, a long rehabilitation period and frequent complications. If there is a dependence on these factors, then you can use alternative methods of maintaining youth and beauty, among which the leading positions are given to the threads of youth. Some might think that these are gold and platinum inclusions under the skin, but these materials are increasingly being replaced by biodegradable frames. They structure the skin so firmly that the effect lasts up to 3 years and looks absolutely natural in appearance.
Types of self-soluble cosmetic threads
The material can be of natural origin, where the raw material is based on natural collagen and elastin or its polymer mezzanine substitute. Subcutaneous frames differ according to the following characteristics:
- texture (smooth and grooved);
- geometry (cones, spirals);
- length and thickness parameters;
- recommended penetration depth.
Short fibers, capable of returning to their original shape after tension, are used for the most problematic areas of the skin, and an ingenious weaving of a web of threads of microscopic thickness rejuvenates the face in general, and corrects the oval in particular. In those parts of the face where it is most mobile, it is advisable to use springs that relieve the skin of facial defects.
Thread lifting as an effective way to combat gravitational ptosis
Biological aging is accompanied by sagging of some areas of the skin under the influence of gravity. This is gravitational ptosis, which is expressed by a change in the facial shape and deformation of its contours. Threads of youth solve problems as follows:
- normalization of subcutaneous muscle mass and its size;
- raising tone and stimulating the blood supply process;
- regaining the ability to produce your own collagen;
- restoration of normal moisture and tone of the skin.
Ptosis can be eliminated at any stage, from barely noticeable sagging to obvious structural changes in the facial oval, and the procedure does not require much time and is followed by a short recovery period. The website of the Oksana Volkova cosmetology center will tell you about the technological details, the origin of the biodegradable material and other important aspects.