Choosing the right rose seedlings:
what details you should pay attention to
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The starting point when choosing roses will be the gardener’s need for flowers with the given parameters. The variety determines the length, size of the thorns, color, flowering time and other parameters. As soon as the “portrait” of future roses is drawn up, they are sent to the nursery. They will offer not only a wide selection of seed material, but also provide guarantees. The gardener will protect himself from unpleasant surprises. Qualified consultants from the Yuzhny plant nursery will tell you which variety is suitable for certain conditions. They will not ignore the rules of care. The more accurately the gardener observes them, the greater the likelihood of pleasing the eye with beautiful flowers.
Features of choosing seedlings
When choosing seedlings, remember the rule. Beginners use varieties that are well known in the region. Any experiments with new breeding products should be postponed. As soon as the gardener has sufficient experience, you can try your hand. Rose is sensitive to ambient temperature. Selecting the appropriate variety will help minimize the likelihood of problems. An annual seedling with a closed root system is the best option. It is desirable that there are at least three shoots on it. When purchasing rose seedlings from a nursery , you don’t have to worry about how quickly they will take root in a new place. If their cultivation is carried out strictly according to the rules, then there will be no problems.
The size of each of the three shoots that should be on the seedling ranges from 20 to 25 cm. If seedlings are purchased in the spring, then attention should be paid to an important detail. It is advisable that the kidneys are still at rest. The absence of spots or areas with wrinkled bark on the seedling is a prerequisite. This means that the seedling is not sick. After completing the selection procedure, the seedlings are delivered to the site. It is recommended to immediately transfer it to open ground. If this is not possible, for example due to unfavorable weather conditions, then precautions are taken.
Rose care
Rose seedlings with an open root system need protection. Wrap the root system with a wet cloth. Polyethylene is applied over the fabric. Once the vagaries of nature are over, you can plant a rose. Before this, the roots are dipped in a container of water for a while. The second point is that the nursery will tell you about the prevention of diseases and pests. Timely processing is the key to seedling health. Experts advise against choosing your own funds. A mistake will be costly.
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