Wedding preparations. Choosing a wedding bouquet
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“Wedding flowers were whiter than snow…” is sung in one old famous song. When people talk about wedding flowers, they usually mean the bride’s bouquet. After all, not only the dress, veil, shoes and jewelry make up the image of the bride.

A correctly selected wedding bouquet makes the newlywed’s image more elegant, complete, and rich. After all, a beautiful bouquet for a bride is a truly luxurious attribute, an integral part of a woman’s wedding dress. A celebration is not complete without flowers, and the role of a wedding bouquet at a wedding is very important. The groom presents flowers to his bride; this is not just a beautiful bouquet, but a bouquet of emotions and feelings that tell about the union of loving hearts.
When choosing flowers for a wedding, it is important to take into account the appearance of the bride, her headdress, the color and shape of the wedding dress. The bouquet should be harmoniously combined with the entire color scheme of the wedding image. When choosing a bouquet, you also take into account the time of year and even the area where the celebration is taking place, since the colors have cold or warm shades. An exquisite bouquet is the main accessory in the hands of the bride.
A wedding bouquet is considered a traditional gift from the groom to his beloved. The bride, in turn, according to tradition, must give the groom a tie.
What flowers should be in a wedding bouquet?
The responsibility of choosing flowers for a bouquet falls on the man, but when choosing a wedding bouquet, certain conditions must be met. Flowers must be fresh and should not have a strong smell; it is better to exude a delicate, unpretentious aroma.
Since ancient times, bright red flowers have not been given for weddings. This color was considered a symbol of ardent passion, and not reverent love. The bride’s image should be gentle and soft, which is not typical for the color red. Currently, special attention is paid to the color scheme of the bouquet, but red roses are often present in it.
Traditionally in Europe, the white acacia was a common wedding flower, representing pure love. The white lily in the bride’s bouquet indicated the girl’s chastity and youth. Lilies of the valley, lovely delicate flowers, were a symbol of family happiness and love. In the West, wedding wreaths were made from small pink and white roses; these flowers were symbols of beauty and spring sun. Wedding flowers in the Middle Ages were considered modest, small flowers - forget-me-nots, daisies, pansies, meaning devotion and fidelity.

According to a long-standing tradition, flowers for the bride should be white, slightly greenish or pink. These colors always remain in fashion. And they are considered wedding ones. White always means purity and tenderness, while green and pink always mean youth and freshness. The bouquet should be round, fastened at the bottom with a bow with long ribbon ends. It cannot be heavy, large or have too long stems.
A small neat bouquet with cute little flower buds is always made up of fresh flowers. But if you want to preserve the memories of your wedding day for a long time, bouquets made from a combination of fresh and artificial flowers are now practiced. Nowadays, roses, tulips, orchids, and chrysanthemums are mainly used when composing bouquets.
The ceremony associated with the bride’s bouquet
During the wedding celebration, special attention is paid to the wedding bouquet; according to a widely known and still very popular tradition, the bride throws it from behind her back to unmarried girls. Catching the bride’s bouquet is considered a talisman for a successful and speedy marriage. This ritual today requires newlyweds to buy two wedding bouquets, one for the bride, the second for the ceremony.
The bride on her most important day in her life should look romantic, sweet and feminine. This can be emphasized by a properly selected wedding bouquet in a classic style in pastel colors.