General information on cargo-200 transportation:
what relatives should remember
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The sad combination of words “cargo-200” explains that the family will soon meet the deceased, who died far from his homeland. The deceased will find his own refuge, and the family will receive a corner where they can go for a “conversation” with a person who is no longer in this world. The procedure takes a lot of time and includes a lot of nuances, so it’s worth focusing on the most important ones.
Features of the organization
The process is clearly regulated; several important rules must be followed, one of which is renting special transport with a refrigerator. The trip can last for a couple of days, which is why a car with a working refrigeration unit is sent to pick up the deceased. Each funeral company selects the optimal route and a vehicle that can move freely in other countries.
When the body has to be transported from abroad or, conversely, to another state, relatives must resolve many paperwork issues. But cooperation with funeral agencies allows you to avoid most of them, if not all. Firms have established contacts with government officials, customs authorities and transport organizations (helps if you don’t have your own vehicle fleet), and they understand the specifics of their work.
Transportation issues
Shipping of cargo 200 is most often carried out using air or rail transport. In this case, a galvanized tank is used, where the coffin with the body is placed. According to current transport standards, the box lid is hermetically soldered along the entire perimeter of the box. This allows you to deliver the body to any distance. It is important to understand that not every flight or carriage will carry a galvanized box with the deceased along its route.
For short distances, it is better to transport the deceased using a car. And if the weather permits, they simply use a hearse without a galvanized tank. The big advantage of this order is the delivery of the body directly to the burial site. Relatives do not need to think about paying for a car to transport the load 200 to the cemetery , all this will be included in the bill.
Sometimes close people are unable to cope with these and other problems. This is a huge stress and emotional depression, so it is better to contact the official state ritual service The company has been specializing in this area for years and will resolve all issues in a matter of hours. When filling out an application, employees carefully consider the route, take into account all the wishes of the family and help to obtain the necessary permits, certificates and documents.