Installation of an exclusive tombstone in Moscow:
what grieving relatives forget about
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It is believed that unforgettable monuments and steles can only be dedicated to famous personalities of the era. But the fashion for exclusive monuments entered Russia at the end of the 20th century. Now the relatives and friends of the deceased are trying to erect strange and eye-catching pedestals in order to somehow honor the memory of their loved one.
Important nuances of ordering an individual memorial
The monument can be made special. A metal figure, a bronze statue, all smelted or handmade. Steles made of natural stone are in demand. For individual orders, funeral agencies use all their creativity and the creativity of experienced artisans in order to maximally fulfill the client’s requirements.
Nobody draws obelisks on paper anymore; there are specialized 3D project visualization programs. They help customers understand what will happen in the end. And it is important to understand that such services are not cheap; an exclusive order is always an expensive investment. So it’s worth paying attention to all the nuances so as not to overpay the organization.
So, what do grieving relatives usually forget to ask when choosing a custom gravestone:
The point is that you need to initially discuss the dimensions, equipment and material for the work. It is important to draw up a legally competent contract, which will indicate the terms and stages of work, guarantee, percentage of the down payment and other points.
Raw material quality
If the choice fell in favor of natural stone, then you should understand that in neighboring deposits it can be very different. Everyone knows that granite, for example, has a variegated color, but the presence of spots of a different color indicates foreign inclusions. Over time, mica will spill out of the monument, and these are already defects. Ask for a certificate for the material, which will confirm that it is marble, diabase or granite.
Subtleties of installing an obelisk
Opening hours for the funeral home to install a permanent monument are 15.05 – 15.10. And everything is done a year after the burial of the deceased. The cemetery administration must give consent to carry out the work, and some have restrictions on the height of the stele.
Monuments are considered the property of the cemetery, therefore the administration is not responsible for the nuances and quality of installation. This is the concern of the funeral home. The main thing is to get a guarantee from the team for all work performed, and not just for the finished monument.
If you don’t want headaches, then order the production of monuments from the official city ritual service . You can fill out an application online without leaving your home or call a funeral agent to your home. The state organization offers low prices and an individual approach to clients; you can even order monuments in bulk.