How can artists promote their work on the Internet?
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Most artists want people to like their art, and if they want to make money from it, they need to find buyers. In the art world, it can often be difficult to make a good impression, but if you don’t promote yourself and your work, you won’t be able to find your audience. No matter how talented you are, people aren’t going to look for you if you don’t try to attract potential buyers. For many artists, this is the most difficult challenge they face.
Here are some tips to help you advertise your work online.
Without the internet, the only way to promote art is to hold exhibitions, sell art to influential people, and hope that through their recommendations your talent will eventually be noticed and recognized. Thanks to the Internet, this has become much easier. Anyone with an ounce of talent can sell their art online. True, this will take some time, since you will need to acquire a personal brand, but the first thing you will need to do is create a portfolio with your works.
Create a website.
All artists need a portfolio. Your portfolio is what will help you convince galleries to place your work or place an order for a specific painting, and it will also help when finding clients. The site is an ideal place to post samples of your work, which can be seen by thousands of Internet users.
An artist’s site should communicate from the very first minute that this resource belongs to a creative person, so if you are creating a site in WordPress, look for themes designed for photographers or visual artists who focus heavily on images rather than text. Upload high-resolution images of your work and add specific information about each work.
Don’t forget to include contact information and add social buttons. If people like your work, they will want to share it with their friends.
Social media.
Use social media to promote your work, create new connections, and let people know when you have an exhibition or other events coming up. Set up a Facebook page for your work and create social media accounts like Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest. It is very important that you publish your work regularly, because the more active you are, the more people will see your work, and therefore share it with other users.
Use social networks, such as Live Creatively - Artists and Illustrators , to interact with other artists and arts-related organizations. Art is a business, so it is important that you become an active participant in the art world. The more authoritative you become, the more people will want to contact you to purchase something or place an order.
Use email and social media to interact with existing customers. Send them regular updates on your latest work. They might want to buy your new work or visit an upcoming exhibition.