Professional face painting
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The best way to unleash your child’s creative talents is to participate in role-playing games based on your favorite cartoons. By playing a fairy tale, a child learns to communicate in a group, improvises and trains his acting skills. For such a game, you don’t need to completely transform into a role, just painting your face is enough. Although it’s not that simple.
There are special face paints, using which you can draw anything - a cat, a monkey, a butterfly. There are always a lot of children who want to transform themselves. So why not turn this activity into a business? If you live in a resort area and know how to draw, then this is an ideal way to make money.
Children’s entertainment centers have been gaining popularity lately, so why not set up your artist’s space there? Warm and cozy in any weather. And children can feel like anyone - even a zombie, even a princess. A craving for something new and unusual will allow little heroes to spend time interestingly and with pleasure, and you will earn good money. The profit, of course, is not so large that this business becomes a lifelong endeavor. It’s more of a temporary job.
What do you need to get started? The main thing is to be able to draw. To do this, you don’t have to study at an art school, because you don’t have to depict complex landscapes and compositions. It is enough to be able to proportionally and competently design children’s faces in accordance with the chosen image. The first thing you should do is practice on your children and involve relatives and friends. This will help you learn how to draw faces correctly in order to avoid future incidents when working.
However, you should not spend a lot of time on training. As soon as you feel that you are succeeding, start working. Don’t waste your time, it’s wasted money. Now you need to choose the characters you will portray. These should be heroes of popular cartoons and games. If you have children, you know exactly who it could be. Otherwise, study the interests of the current younger generation on the Internet, ask your friends.
In addition, you need to include common animals in the list - a bunny, a cat, a butterfly. Be sure to make a portfolio of completed work so that little fidgets can immediately imagine how they will look with this or that design. To do this, you need to photograph all your completed works and compile an illustrated album from them. If possible, make a large stand with examples of work. This way you can interest kids from afar.
The most important thing that you definitely cannot do without is special paints for painting on the face. Under no circumstances use ordinary paints like gouache or watercolor for this. You need to purchase special face painting. It is easy to apply, holds well and is easily washed off without damaging the delicate baby skin. You can also use body painting paints.
Another very important point, without which you will not be able to work legally, is renting a place. If you live in a resort location, rent a couple of square meters right on the street near the beach, play area, circus, etc. This is a seasonal place. If you want to work all year round, rent a place in a shopping and entertainment center, children’s cafe, cinema or any other place with a large concentration of children. You won’t have to spend money on advertising. All methods of disseminating information about your services are available and do not cause difficulties.
Be sure to visit children’s educational centers, schools, kindergartens, agencies for organizing children’s parties, and post your work on the Internet. Many parents order a facial artist for birthdays, children’s parties and holidays. This causes incredible delight in children. In addition, such holidays are remembered for a long time.
A very important question to think about before starting work is the price of the drawing. Here it is important not to overdo it and ask for a reasonable, adequate payment for your work. The average price of such a pattern varies between 150 – 200 rubles. Even if you’re just starting out, don’t reduce your price too much. This will not only attract you more clients, but will also add more work. Respect your work. In addition, you will have expenses for rent, materials and tools. Profit must be there. Take the time to find out how much such pleasure costs in your area, and be guided by existing prices.
Today, this idea of business development is becoming increasingly popular. But you should remember that this type of income is suitable for few. There must be a clear desire to work and earn money yourself. Excessive ambitions only get in the way. The main thing is to love your job and devote yourself to it completely, and then children’s happy faces and grateful parents will be the best reward for work.