Choosing a beautiful and high-quality suitcase
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Traveling is always pleasant memories and unforgettable vivid emotions. That is why it makes sense to arrange everything in such a way that no everyday trifles distract from receiving aesthetic pleasure. What does a tourist need? Money and clothes for the weather. Although it makes sense to buy a suitcase that can reliably contain and store both the first and the second.
Size matters
To purchase a suitcase, it makes sense to consider the aspects of its use in conjunction with those characteristics that distinguish a high-quality item from a low-quality one. The first step is to decide on the size of the device for storing and transporting things. There are certain standards for this:
- Small;
- Average;
- Big;
- Very big.
A suitcase is considered small if its height does not exceed 59 centimeters. It is great for short trips or business trips. The average option is a height of up to 70 centimeters. You can put more things here. It is estimated that for one person in such a suitcase there is room for clothes with a supply of 10-14 days. The large type - up to 80 centimeters - is ideal for family trips; even a small child’s things can be hidden there.
But this is not the limit of perfection. There are very large suitcases - more than 80 centimeters in height. This is a complete chest for all family members planning a long trip. But there is a nuance - they are not allowed on planes with such people. Although it is not always important for owners to travel by air. It is important to know who will move such a suitcase, at least from the door of your own apartment to a taxi. If there is only a mother in the family, and then a woman of fragile build, then choosing a very large suitcase is unacceptable.
Features of choosing a quality suitcase
Deciding on the size is important, but there are a number of other important aspects to consider. This is about:
- Material;
- Accessories;
- Additional features.
The material can be of two key varieties - fabric or plastic. The first option is beautiful, but significantly inferior to the second in terms of strength and ease of use. The plastic type is great for traveling to countries where weather conditions leave much to be desired. This model will not get wet. And even if it gets dirty, a damp cloth will be enough to remove such an incident.
When inspecting the fittings, it is important to pay attention to the presence of wheels. This will significantly simplify the life of the owner, as it will allow you not to carry heavy luggage on yourself, but to use the wheels for movement. It’s good when they have a built-in placement, rotate 360 degrees and are located on their own axis. But this is an ideal option for those who plan to travel only on flat roads. For paving stones, steps and just uneven surfaces this will not be enough. Dual wheels will be required at all 4 points. Moreover, the diameter of the rear ones should be increased. The retractable handle should be selected taking into account strength and ease of extension.
In order to provide the suitcase with the truly necessary protection from rain, plastic latches are used. If you plan to travel to places where it often rains, then this element of fittings will become simply irreplaceable. As additional options, you can discuss the purchase of a suitcase with increased volume (for shopping lovers), with a portmanteau (for transporting things on hangers in a wrinkle-free condition), with a cover (to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the travel bag).
Choice by color
Experts in the selection of suitcases recommend purchasing it according to the principle - the brighter the better. Why? This is a guarantee that the owner will notice his travel bag faster at the baggage claim. And there won’t be any unpleasant surprises when your suitcases get mixed up. Plus, traveling with a bright and original suitcase is always a pleasure. One look should be enough to lift your spirits.
You should approach the choice of suitcases consciously, for which it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist. This may well be an employee of a store where similar products are sold. Choosing a point of sale based on reputation is also important.
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