Digest of the most important news of the week from the Postfactum portal
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The Post Factum information and analytical portal is a source of not only news about events in Russia and the world, but also analytical reports and author’s reviews that help readers understand the whirlwind of ongoing events, try to understand the consequences and causes of what happened, and draw the necessary conclusions and forecasts.
What important things did readers of the Postfactum portal learn about last week?
The Ministry of Finance proposes to issue MTPL policies not only for one year. The new law, if adopted, will enable owners of new cars to enter into a compulsory insurance contract for 2 or 3 years at once. In addition, for some car owners, insurance will become cheaper due to the elimination of increasing coefficients. Despite the positive changes, the Russian Motorists Union refused to support most of the provisions of the law.
The state mortgage subsidy program will not be extended next year. According to Minister Mikhail Men, the size of the subsidy of 1.5-0.5% of the rate no longer plays a significant role, and long-term obligations will become a significant burden on the budgets of subsequent years. According to the minister, it is necessary to develop other methods of supporting mortgage loans, and the regions have the necessary reserves for this.
Independent financial advisor Ilya Panteleimonov spoke in an interview with Post Factum about a new way to invest - investing in foreign insurance companies. Investments in the Russian stock market during a crisis do not look attractive, meanwhile, for some categories of citizens the issue of creating and protecting their savings is acute. To learn about how to make profitable investments and the features of investing in foreign companies, read on the Postfactum portal.
How to become a valuable employee? Almost every one of us asked this question. Indeed, a valuable employee has a good relationship with management, additional benefits or a higher salary. In her article, Svetlana Petrukhina, managing partner of GLOBALPAS, reflects on how to become a valuable employee. She gives not only advice, but also specific recommendations for applying them in life.
When the dollar rate rises, and subsequently the prices for imported goods, including cars, the eyes of many potential motorists turn to domestic models and used cars. Founder of the project “Business Intelligence | CABIS" Igor Bederov talks about how not to buy a pig in a poke and minimize the risks of buying a criminal car or one damaged in an accident. Today, tracing the fate of any vehicle is much easier than a few years ago. How exactly to do this - read on the Postfactum portal.
The program of state guarantees in the field of free healthcare has been developed until 2019. The document provides for new ways to pay for treatment in hospital and day hospital settings. In addition, regional standards for the provision of medical care are being introduced in cases where the level of morbidity and mortality from a particular disease is lower than the national average. What to do in cases where the incidence rate is higher than average is not specified in the document.