Hiring in 2016 - cooperation strictly according to the contract
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When applying for any job - as a salesperson, manager or teacher - most people strive to get a “contractual” job. An officially signed agreement guarantees that the new boss will not cheat on his salary or delay his due vacation.
The contract is also beneficial for the employer - any controversial issues with your employee can be resolved based on labor rules.
What nuances must be discussed in any employment agreement?
Not only rights, but also responsibilities
What is the purpose of an employment contract? He must cover in as much detail as possible all issues related to the interaction between the employer and his employee. Thus, the first thing that needs to be written down in the contract is the employee’s personal data. In addition, the position for which he is applying is covered in detail - all responsibilities and rights, salary and bonuses, the exact dates no later than which the organization is obliged to pay the employee are indicated.
Most often, a new person is first hired for a probationary period - and the duration of such a period is also clearly indicated in the employment contract. You can view completed sample agreements on the Internet - in particular, on the page http://www.ogic.ru/dokumenty/skachat-obrazec-trudovogo-dogovora-s-rabotnikom.html , where you can also download the form to fill out.
Both parties to the transaction need to remember that the drawn up agreement is signed by both the employer and the person applying for the job. And if the first copy of the document remains in the personnel department, then the second must be given to the new employee.
Premature termination - what could be the reason?
Is it possible to terminate a tenancy agreement earlier than indicated in the terms of the agreement? Of course, this practice is used everywhere. The reason may be non-compliance with the conditions. And it doesn’t matter who exactly violated the agreement. If a company delays wages, then the employee may well consider this a gross violation of the contract and not wait for “better times.” In turn, if an employee fails to cope with his responsibilities, then the management is not obliged to suffer losses because of him.
An official contract forces the organization to strictly follow the rules - not to delay payments, to provide rest days on time. This may cause inconvenience, but nevertheless, any employee has the right to comfortable working conditions. An organization that cooperates with its employees without a contract risks sooner or later being subject to penalties.