Opportunities for purchasing antique paintings
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It is difficult to imagine that paintings by local artists exhibited these days on the boulevards and embankments of modern cities will one day become paintings glorified over the centuries. This is lucky, but not everyone, because it is very difficult to predict how fashion trends in art will develop in the future. Although the online antiques store Flea Market.site is a place where today’s public can easily decide on the vintage preferences in a few mouse clicks. All that remains is to agree on the issue of assortment, the value of a specific item and its cost.
What is antique painting for?
Psychologists have hastened to characterize those who like to buy antiques as extraordinary, powerful people who have very clear values. At the same time, not every specialist in human capabilities is able to distinguish what significance ancient paintings carry. The fact that their safety costs a lot of money is an indisputable fact. But for the owner, buying such an item brings great moral pleasure, which lies in the fact of owning a rare and beautiful, and not an expensive, item.
This logic is clearly visible when purchasing antique icons. People who buy them believe in God, not in the Mind, Essence or Universe, but in the Almighty, who guides and protects them in life. Therefore, the purchase of such a relic for them is equal to the possession of a shrine.
But, one way or another, most potential buyers set themselves quite material goals. This:
- Reliability of investment;
- Room decor;
- Status of the gift.
People who have sufficient means of subsistence strive not only to increase, but also to preserve their capital. They do this through the acquisition of real estate, shares, jewelry and antiques. And the question of choosing in favor of paintings is not at all in last place. An excellent thing that has a material form that can be sold, as they say, “in a hungry year,” given for debts or bequeathed to heirs. And the prices for such new things do not fluctuate like the exchange rate of the national currency or precious metals. Painting, the quality of which has been tested for centuries, can become a real heirloom. It is not uncommon for collectors to sell such specimens to national galleries for huge sums of money, allowing them to be displayed.
Exquisite decoration of homes or residences requires perfect decoration. And expensive textured wallpaper, handmade Persian carpets and brocade curtains with gold threads are excellent elements of a perfect design. But a beautiful antique, and, most importantly, exclusive painting on the wall will be an excellent addition to the already created interior.
Among the rich and famous, it is customary to give expensive and status gifts. And buying an antique painting will become an affordable gift option on a par with vintage furniture, luxurious furs and jewelry masterpieces.
Where to buy antique paintings?
Previously, the issue of where to buy antique paintings was decided by two aspects - the market and private collections. The market is conventionally called both specialized shopping arcades at a regular bazaar and antique goods stores. Essentially, these were flea markets where people took down unnecessary rubbish in their home, not knowing about its high artistic and other value. And later, enterprising businessmen made a colossal fortune from the difference. It’s very difficult to predict what kind of paintings will be there tomorrow or in a month. Just as it is impossible to plan whether a masterpiece will lie for a month on a dusty shelf or whether it will be taken away at auction an hour after it is put up for sale.
Private collections are a more sophisticated place to buy, where the main issue is to bargain for the upcoming acquisition. The owner may be guided by market laws, but this has absolutely no effect on his desire to set the final price.
In the era of information technology and globalization, the issue of purchasing through an online store is quite real. That is why it makes sense to choose purchases through the World Wide Web. In this case, the acquisition process is simplified to the limit. Paintings are selected based on availability, paid by bank transfer and received by self-pickup or courier. All that remains is to choose a reliable seller.
Natalia Peshkova © Gallerix.ru
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