Affected by the crisis? 3 proven survival methods
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Affected by the crisis? We will not consider the problem on a national or global economy scale. We are only interested in our own plans for the future and their fate.
The crisis is felt in various ways: for example, wages are delayed at work, debtors are delaying payments, the number of people asking for money has increased, and they have to pay off a loan taken as collateral on real estate regularly.
Many found themselves in a difficult situation. It is necessary to plan a budget for the next 1-2 years. Check out proven methods.
1. Reduce costs. If you were previously accustomed to not denying yourself anything, then it will be difficult to answer the question “how to reduce expenses” or “how to properly plan a family budget.” You don’t have to completely give up what is vitally important. We need to look for alternatives in everything. A striking example is changing a car to a small car. Rent out the excess square meters or rent out housing in the center, and rent it yourself further from the center for a significantly lower payment. This is a temporary measure in case of deep financial difficulty.
Significant savings in planning a family budget during a crisis are achieved by eliminating semi-finished and ready-made food. Buying food and cooking is profitable, tasty and healthy. When it comes to clothing, you should not skimp on shoes; other items should be purchased at sales. If you have enough willpower, give up entertainment. As a replacement, choose sports and nature trips. The crisis will pass, but the useful habit will remain beneficial.
Restructuring accrued loans or recalculating monthly loan payments secured by an apartment will help ease the debt burden .
2. Increase in income. Developing a home business with minimal investment or a hobby brings regular additional income. Hint: in the midst of a crisis, revenue from confectionery, alcohol and tobacco companies increases. It is not necessary to produce them; you will earn money through wholesale purchases and retail sales. Fortunately, modern technologies allow you to start selling on the Internet without having to search for premises.
If you are a specialist in a specific field, look for overtime work. In the age of information technology, many professionals have the opportunity to work remotely, having at hand a computer connected to the World Wide Web. You will find countless information online about ways to make money from home.
3. Learn new things. If you are over 30, then it is difficult to accept the very idea of mastering the unknown. After all, stereotypes believe that by the age of 30 you should have housing, a car and a stable income. In practice this is far from the case. By the age of 30, many young people are just beginning to realize the need for these benefits. So feel free to choose a promising industry and start getting comfortable. When the crisis ends, your skills will remain with you forever. The rule in learning is that once you spend several hours studying something complex, you will then be competent. Good luck to everyone in overcoming the crisis!