What do people who plan to buy antiques in Moscow need to know?
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Antiques are the best way to invest money. According to statistics provided by Moscow’s largest classifieds portal moscow.russgo.com, prices on the antique market are growing rapidly.
It’s no secret that buying antiques is one of the most common ways of investing. Every year, more and more people seek to buy antiques in Moscow, exploring popular message boards. What do you need to know if you are just planning to make a purchase?
1. Antiques are the best way to invest money. According to statistics provided by Moscow’s largest classifieds portal moscow.russgo.com, prices on the antique market are growing rapidly. If you now have the opportunity to buy antiques in Moscow, then after a few years you can significantly increase your capital. The cost of antique or rare items increases annually by 40-200%. And it is unlikely that such a product will depreciate in value in the near future.
2. The price will always be high. If it is truly a rare, valuable thing, then its price will certainly be expensive. Of course, in a city like Moscow, you can buy antiques for a couple of hundred thousand rubles. But the value of such items will be minimal. Large interior items, designer jewelry, and rare items are valued much higher.
3. You need to make your choice as carefully as possible. After analyzing the statistics of advertisements and closed transactions, the analytical service of the website moscow.russgo.com summed up some results. Thus, the most in demand are Russian things from the 18th – 19th centuries. High-quality, antique, rare Russian objects always remain in price: bronze, silver, furniture. Just look at how much silver or bronze cup holders, which our parents so wanted to get rid of at one time, now cost. The Moscow bulletin board presents a wonderful selection of antiques, each of which will be highly appreciated by antiques fans and collectors.
4. A question of functionality. If you want to buy antiques in Moscow in order to use them periodically, then choose things of appropriate quality. Porcelain without chips, crystal without cracks and so on. Opponents of using antiques may be persuaded by the opinion of experts who believe that such things have amazing energy. Rare, antique things store love and warmth, pleasant memories, so they definitely need to be used.
5. Compliance with modern interior. For an experienced decorator or designer, it will not be difficult to fit antique objects into an ultra-modern interior. Moreover, today such a trend is becoming very popular. As practice shows, even fireplaces from the Louis XV era may be appropriate in a high-tech house. The main thing is to approach the arrangement of the premises with knowledge of the matter.
6. Rules of care. Before buying antiques in Moscow, evaluate your options. Caring for such things will require a lot of effort and patience. Precious parquet will require the use of special felt pads on furniture legs. It is better to place furniture away from heating devices, periodically wiping the surface with a dry cloth and cleaning with wax. More complex items - watches, music boxes - are best left to experienced and competent specialists for restoration.
7. Where to buy? Today, finding antique items is not as difficult as it was a few years ago. The prevalence of the Internet makes the process of searching for collectibles as easy as possible. For example, the Moscow online flea market provides potential buyers and collectors with a chance to find truly unique items. The choice of antiques is very large, ranging from inexpensive items to truly unique, exclusive items that will take their rightful place in the collection of every art lover. Perhaps this is where you will find the very thing that will be infinitely dear to your heart.