Insects in decorations
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How do fashion houses around the world not strive to attract the attention of the public and their own colleagues to the author’s collections?
A new idea that comes from one designer is immediately picked up, transformed, and played up by other representatives of the fashion industry. The shocking model of the 2013 season is perceived a year later as a completely common occurrence, and imitators are found all over the world.
This is how the victorious march across the planet of insects began. Although the history of their appearance in fashion has long roots. Thus, one can recall the famous, sacred among the Egyptians, scarab beetles, which serve as amulets (and beautiful jewelry).
Or widespread souvenirs from the Baltic states, pieces of amber with midges caught in them, you can also buy earrings with diamonds and amber. If at first such products were just souvenirs, now they are independent decoration (earrings, pendants, central parts of bracelets, etc.).
According to historians, the real fashion for jewelry with insects was introduced by the famous jeweler Cartier. And this important event happened back in the 19th century. He was the first to use images of the most famous, but so mysterious insects in brooches, hairpins, and pendants.
Primary sources report that he not only made imitations of butterflies and dragonflies, but also actively used real insects. They first had to be preserved in a certain way, and then covered with a thin layer of real silver.
To the delight of modern fashionistas, today’s designers are true humanists. They treat different flies with love and tenderness, playing with their images in accessories and jewelry.
Designers from Lanvin hold the lead in this fashionable business. It was they who presented collections of models decorated with insects in 2013. In the new season, the armies of butterflies, flies, dragonflies and other friends of entomologists have increased significantly.
This concerns the progression of the “number of individuals” located on one outfit, and the size of the insects themselves. Fashion designers apparently remembered the thrillers of the 80s in the style of “The Fly” and, as if by agreement, significantly increased the size of the jewelry.
The colors used are metallic, precious (gold-silver), their imitations, and various newfangled alloys. Striving for almost complete resemblance to real characters, fashion designers add precious stones or rhinestones, enamels, fabrics, beads, sequins, and chains to jewelry.
Jewelry made even if not from precious materials becomes a real work of art. And, moreover, an important part of the outfit, often overshadowing everything else.
The same Lanvin Fashion House presented a model that, like a flower with a delicate aroma, was almost entirely decorated with insects. The blue-black strange winged creatures looked sophisticated and elegant on the model’s white blouse.
In other collections, insects, made in the form of huge brooches, could be placed anywhere, sit on a beauty’s shoulder or cling to the hem of a skirt. Or help the artist subtly complete the image of a model in a black coat.
Some fashion artists have gone even further, and now insects are found at every step: in bracelets and earrings, pendants and brooches. And also in accessories, on belts, gloves, bags.