How to cheer up - buy a ticket to the circus in Moscow
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You can find out how much a ticket to a circus in Moscow costs by calling on your mobile phone or via the Internet, using special online services. You can also order a ticket, the cost of which is determined by how popular the arena you are interested in is among Muscovites and guests of the capital.
At the virtual box office the ticket price is usually lower than at the circus itself. Therefore, many seek to purchase it through its online presence. There are quite a lot of fans of circus art, and there are no queues on the Internet, and you don’t have to travel halfway across the city to buy a ticket.
A bit of ancient Roman history
Even the inhabitants of Ancient Rome were distracted from wars and daily worries by looking at the circus arena. Unlike a dramatic performance, a circus performance is purely for entertainment purposes. This is a fabulous and colorful sight. But during its existence it has undergone many changes.
Gladiator fights were replaced by performances by gymnasts and acrobats, baiting of predators by performances by trainers with their charming pets, and chariot racing by sophisticated horse riding. The ancient Roman aristocracy in the stands was replaced by joyful children and their satisfied parents. The circus has changed. Today he brings joy to everyone who bought a ticket to the performance. Any circus genre requires dexterity and skill.
Clown, clown, make me laugh!
But clowning is perhaps the most difficult of genres. Making someone laugh is always more difficult than making them cry. In order to become a true clown, it is not enough to learn how to perform comical reprises and walk funny, and funny fables are also not enough.
A clown must be able to harmoniously fit his performances into the performances of other artists, unite them with a common storyline, feel the mood of the audience, be flexible and expressive. That is, he must masterfully transform himself and play a variety of roles in the circus arena.
How to cheer yourself and your children up?
The circus is a phenomenon in itself so unique that there is nothing to compare it with. Any person who has visited it at least once retains a love for the arena in his soul for almost his entire life. If you are sad, buy tickets to the circus and go to the show with your whole family!
In the most miraculous way, a magical mood is guaranteed to you. The most famous arenas in Moscow:
- Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. It has a centuries-old history and its own traditions, which are carefully preserved by artists.
- Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky. One of the largest arenas in the whole world.
Tickets to all Moscow circuses can be ordered on the website