Physical exercise and subcalorie diet to combat obesity
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Any physical activity increases the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla. These hormones activate metabolism. As a result, vitality increases and a positive emotional mood appears.
Slow, long running is very useful for controlling excess weight. It has a positive effect on the human hormonal system. According to the head of the scientific advisory department of the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Hormone Chemistry, running is an active assistant in the fight against obesity.
Nowadays, overweight patients are increasingly coming to endocrinologists. Among them, unfortunately, there are many teenagers with the so-called constitutional exogenous form of obesity. This is a result of overfeeding and lack of exercise during adolescence. Parents apparently do not understand that they cannot feed their children abundantly without giving them appropriate physical activity. Nowadays, there is an imbalance between the consumption and receipt of energy resources.
It can probably be eliminated in one way - to instill in people the idea of the need to move more, to raise the culture of parents, especially grandmothers, who like to overfeed their grandchildren. It is high time to create conditions in every yard so that children and adolescents can actively engage in physical education.
For patients suffering from excess weight, doctors prescribe active physical therapy and a so-called subcalorie diet, sometimes even resorting to drugs that reduce appetite.
Those receiving outpatient treatment are given the following recommendations: mandatory morning exercises, a half-hour walk in the afternoon, daily evening walking for about an hour and a half.
A subcalorie diet involves the complete exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates from the diet - bread, sweets, cakes, and a transition to protein-vegetable foods, and with fractional intake - 4-5 times a day.
Here is a sample list of foods that you can eat during the day to get 1500 or 1800 kilocalories.
1500 kilocalories:
| 1800 kilocalories:
Many people, in order to lose weight, go on a buckwheat diet for weight loss , or even resort to fasting. But, in my opinion, as, indeed, in the opinion of most experts, this harsh measure is non-physiological, that is, it does not correspond to the physiological needs of the body. We need a balanced exchange between calorie intake and expenditure.
The trouble is that among people suffering from obesity, many suffer from diabetes. Obesity contributes to the development of pancreatic insufficiency. Excess weight requires the body to increase the production of insulin, which leads to depletion of the hormonal apparatus of the pancreas. And this is the basis for the occurrence of diabetes.
Unfortunately, diabetes is now a very common disease in the world. In highly developed countries, the number of patients is constantly growing. The highest percentage is observed in the USA. In developing countries, this disease is much less common. Statistics show that about 2.5% of our population has diabetes. Moreover, we are talking only about the identified forms. The main reason, I emphasize, is physical inactivity and excessive nutrition.
The Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a study of 28 thousand people aged 17 to 80 years. It turned out that 50% of them were overweight, and 26% were obese. And again, physical inactivity and excess nutrition are named among the main causes of obesity and obesity.
This is especially true for women aged 30 to 35 years. Despite the fact that women participate in all spheres of social life and bear a heavy burden at work and at home, many of them are overweight.
The fact is that the bustle of the house cannot replace physical education and running, in particular. In addition, women tend to eat foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates. Hence the weight gain, loss of grace and mobility. We have already noted that many, in search of a way out, rush to extremes, turn to fasting and other dubious recommendations.
At one time, it was widely written about the miraculous properties of sprouted grains. The Institute of Nutrition conducted special research, and it turned out that sprouted grains do not have any special properties.
I will emphasize again and again: it is necessary to differentiate the diet based on age, gender, profession, nature of work, climatic conditions, but in any case, nutrition should be varied and meet the physiological needs of a person. On average, he needs: proteins - 80-90 g, fats - 90-150 g, carbohydrates - 400 g with a total caloric intake of 2600-3400 kilocalories.