Cremation as a funeral option
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The most acceptable method of funeral in terms of pricing policy is cremation of the body of the deceased.
This way, loved ones have the opportunity to save money that they would have to spend on purchasing a plot in the capital’s cemetery (land in Moscow cemeteries is expensive and it’s not easy to get it out) and paying for burial. And in the future, after a while, they would have to install a monument on the grave - this is an additional expense, and regularly clean the cemetery or hire someone who will do it for them.
And if you are still planning a move, then by cremating your loved ones, you will not worry that their graves will be left unattended and no one will visit them. You can take the urns with ashes with you. However, the legislation does not clearly explain what to do with the ashes of the deceased, so you can transport the urn, or scatter the ashes in the homeland of the deceased, thereby fulfilling his last will.
Where is cremation carried out?
If some cities do not have their own crematoria, then in the capital there are three of them. This:
- Mitinsky,
- Khovansky,
- Nikolo-Arkhangelsky.
Crematoria are located in cemeteries of the same name in Moscow itself.
No matter what crematorium the relatives go to, they will be quoted the same price everywhere. So, to burn the body of an adult, you will need to pay a receipt for 4,300 rubles, and to burn the body of a teenager or child, you will need to pay a receipt for 150 rubles. It is noteworthy that this price already includes a small farewell ceremony, which takes place in a special hall. There, relatives will be able to say goodbye to the deceased and look at him for the last time.
Separately, at the request of your loved ones, you can order additional time for renting the hall and musical accompaniment.
Relatives also independently purchase clothes for the deceased and a coffin. The main thing is to listen to the funeral directors’ recommendations regarding the selection of all these attributes.
It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that it is generally accepted that all services are always more expensive in the capital, cremation in Moscow is much cheaper than in the regions.
If the relatives of the deceased decide not to bury his body, but to cremate it, they should submit an application to the crematorium of their choice, agree on the time and date of the ceremony, purchase all the necessary ritual goods, make payment and, together with the receipt, give all this to the stewards or representatives crematorium. You should also purchase an urn. The ashes of the deceased will be poured into it. As a rule, you can receive the urn the very next day after the ceremony.